
  • 36 Mission Posts

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Tue Mar 19th, 2024 @ 9:32am

Petty Officer 1st Class Amethyst Wyse

Name Amethyst Wyse

Position Head Nurse

Second Position Counselor's Aide

Rank Petty Officer 1st Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 7”
Weight 125 lbs
Hair Color Red/Ginger
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Amethyst is a very attractive, slim built young woman with long gingery red hair. She has several scars on her arms.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Karl Wyse (Brigadier General)
Mother Amber Reece (Commander)
Brother(s) Matthew Reece (Lieutenant)
Other Family Various extended family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Amethyst is a warm and welcoming young woman, she always has a smile on her face no matter what is happening around her. She’s very caring which makes her an excellent nurse.

Amethyst is also a fully trained Field Medic, as capable as any doctor.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths;
- Caring
- Kind
- Trained Counsellor/Field Medic
- Always cheery
- Dedicated to her work

- Cares too much sometimes resulting in her getting upset when she loses a patient.
- Tends to work herself into the ground
Ambitions Amethyst wants to make her parents proud of her, especially her military driven father.
Hobbies & Interests Amethyst loves reading, playing games on the holodeck, music, jigsaw puzzles, and plenty more besides.

Personal History Amethyst was born in Scotland, Earth in 2361 while her parents were stationed at the military base there. Growing up between military bases and Starfleet ships and Starbases, Amethyst developed an interest in joining both the military and Starfleet.

She enrolled with the SFMC at the age of 16, spending two years hard graft learning the ropes and military life before deciding to combine it with enrolling at Starfleet Academy. Between her fleet studies and military teachings she also followed her love of medical and counselling. She graduated four years later with honours.

Amethyst is a dedicated Nurse, as well as a qualified counsellor and field medic. She has several scars on her arms and body from a rescue mission that went horribly wrong, she was unable to save a group of patients after a secondary bombing left them all trapped and Amethyst wounded. She was rescued but her patients weren’t able to be retrieved.

Service Record 2377 - 2382 - SFMC/Starfleet Academy
2382 - 2383 - SF Medical, Earth (Counsellor)
2383 - 2385 - USS Wildcat (Nurse)
2385 - 2386 - USS Centaur (Nurse/Counsellor’s aide)
2386 - Assigned to USS Washington (Head Nurse/Counsellor’s aide)