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Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 9:53pm

Lieutenant Seth Travis

Name Seth Travis

Position Chief Diplomatic Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2"
Weight 200lbs
Hair Color Sandy brown
Eye Color Royal Blue
Physical Description Broad shouldered, carries himself with confidence. Has an appealing smile and an easy way about him.


Spouse Shoniara T'ghann Travis
Children Shasta T'ghann Travis- daughter
Father Stephen Travis
Mother Tricia Travis
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) Tanya
Other Family Various aunts and uncles

Personality & Traits

General Overview Seth attended standard secondary and high school. Upon his graduation
from high school, he applied for and was accepted into Starfleet
Academy. Seth took to the courses like a fish to water. He excelled in
command and science. He was also a member of the Academy's rifle team
and was most proficient in the use of the old style weapon. He is also
an excellent pilot.
Strengths & Weaknesses S/W Stubborn
S/W- Opinionated
Ambitions To have a family and settle down
Hobbies & Interests Likes to be outdoors, camping, hiking. Trap shooting. Loves to read, (westerns, mysteries history) Play chess

Personal History Seth was born in the Bronx section of New York and is very much a city
boy. At an early age he learned to play the 'dozens' slang for conning
some one. He became quite adept at it.
His parent's were honest hard working folks, His mother, a stay at
home mom. She took care of the house and his dad, sister and himself.
His father was a professor if history at Columbia University.
Seth was raised with great love being present in the house. He and his
sister may not have gotten everything they wanted but they never
lacked for anything and they were always loved.
Personality Profile:
Honest, caring, compassionate yet can be as steel hard and just as
unrelenting when he feels he's right on an issue or a topic. He was
taught by his parents to stand up for what he believed in and to never
sacrifice his principles. Those beliefs have kept Seth in good stead
through the years.
Seth has a wonderful sense of humor as a boy he always had a joke or a
story to tell even now he has been known to tell a childhood story to
make a point.
He also suffers from a shortage of patience and can get agitated when
he has to wait. He tries meditating but becomes irritated when it
doesn't work.

Seth is an accomplished Illusionist and a voracious reader of anything
he can get his hands on He also builds models in his spare time. Also
keeps his 'eye ' by occasionally going to the range and doing some
shooting. Fly when he can find the time.

Seth speaks Vulcan and Klingon along with passable Romulan.
Service Record Starfleet Academy
USS Athena, Civilian title Aid
USS Independence,Civilian title Attache
USS Constitution, Legate
Lieutenant USS Gettysburg Chief Diplomatic Officer
Present ----- USS Washington, Chief Diplomatic Officer. Mission Adviser