Ensign Sarik Vaster
Name Sarik Vaster
Position Engineering Officer
Rank Ensign
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Andorian | |
Age | 25 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 1.65m (5'5") | |
Weight | 73kg (161lbs) | |
Hair Color | White | |
Eye Color | Cyan | |
Physical Description | He's a solidly built Andorian on the shorter side. His antennae are also on the stubby side. He's got a decent amount of scars but the most prominent one is on his forehead above his right eye. He's got several piercings in both ears. (Which he removes while on duty) |
Father | Ves Vaster | |
Mother | Pree Vaster, Tona Vaster | |
Sister(s) | Zandra Vaster |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Sarik was what you might call a punk in his teen years. He could never stand for class discrimination and has had a chip on his shoulder for quite a while for how he and his family were looked down upon for being miners. He better understands now that it isn't the same everywhere and there is more nuance to it, but it still makes up a core part of himself. He's tempered the anger and rashness of his youth with the wisdom and training from Starfleet. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | He is very driven, especially when it comes to righting inequalities. Sarik also has a lot of empathy for working class people. He's got a good sense for frequencies that helps with music but also with understanding engineering systems through their sounds. Despite his attempts to temper his stronger emotions, they still roil below the surface and enough provocation will get them spilling over. |
Ambitions | Sarik wants to do what he can to build bridges between social strata, to show people that class based on birth or profession is as constructed as money. He's not sure exactly how to do that, but he sees Starfleet as the best organization to help him do that. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Sarik is an avid musician, strings, brass, and percussion. His tastes are closest categorized by Earth metal and industrial genres. He has a particular interest in underwater environments and loves aquariums. Sometimes to his detriment, he's and adventurous eater and will try just about any food at least once. |
Personal History | Sarik was the first child born to a family of miners and he grew up in a happy but modest home. While he never experienced any overt oppression for his low class profession, he was acutely aware of the way some social situations were blocked off for them. He didn't have the temperament for joining the Andorian military which was a common method for social mobility. After his schooling, which he performed moderately at, he joined mechanics trade training and worked on mining equipment and cargo freighters. During the Dominion War he pivoted to helping patch up any and all ships damaged in the war efforts. The on the job experience lead him to realize he had a greater potential than he'd considered before and joined Starfleet Academy. He'd known it would be hard to adjust to the strict hierarchy of Starfleet but he struggled more than he expected and had some disciplinary issues before he managed to make some friends that helped him work on himself. Sarik got himself turned around and in the top half of his class. He didn't get any accolades or commendations, but considering his earlier trouble, it was quite the achievement to end up that high. |