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May Awards

Posted on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 5:31pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar

Summer is just around the corner, and what can be our most hectic month in the front half of the calendar certainly kept us all busy. The story has shown a great deal of detail as everyone has contributed a great deal. We had a lot of great Trek and sci-fi writing in general, and Inara has continued to manage to keep as much of the real science in place as possible. Below you will find the May awards. I want to congratulate our winners, and as always, I wish you all luck as you represent us at the fleet level. On to June!

Best Post (solo): Cmdr Samantha Howard "Win the Battle"

Best Post (group): Cmdr Jonathan Grayson, Cmdr Samantha Howard, Lt Cmdr Shoniara T'ghann-Travis, & Lt Inara Senn "Ecology"

Funniest Post: Ens James Phoenix & Ens Kate Kono "Thunderstruck"

Genesis: N/A

Most Posts: Cmdr Jonathan Grayson; 8

Rookie: N/A

Recruitment: N/A

Most Improved: Ens Kate Kono - Our resident zany Intel Officer continues to improve her writing skills, jumping between serious content and the comedic, at times in the same post. See great things in her future.

MVP: Cmdr Jonathan Grayson - Our XO really stepped up this month, helping drive posts and keeping the plot moving. He also continued his work behind the scenes working with the crew, especially our ailing members.


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