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June Awards

Posted on Mon Jul 1st, 2024 @ 8:44am by Captain Shran dh'Klar

It seems like the months just fly by, especially as we reach the summer months. So it is as we find ourselves in the month of July already. The month of June was a great month for us, and several people were extremely active. The senior members of the crew seem to have taken a step back and allowed the young junior officers really shine. Below you will find the awards for June. I want to congratulate our winners and wish them luck at the Fleet level as they represent us. I am hoping July is equally as active and exciting as June.

Best Post (solo): Ens Torog Zakhov "Argumentative Engineering"

Best Post (group): Cmdr Samantha Howard & Lt Inara Senn "Biodiversity"

Funniest Post: Cmdr Samantha Howard, Lt Imik S'Niohun, Lt Inara Senn, Lt (jg) Kate Kono, Lt (jg) James Phoenix, & Ens Torog Zakhov "Promotion Party"

Genesis: Capt Shran dh'Klar "Echoes of Eternity"

Most Posts: Lt (jg) Kate Kono; 11

Rookie: Ens Torog Zakhov

Recruitment: N/A

Most Improved: Lt Imik S'Niohun - Returning from a personal LOA, our Chief Tactical Officer returned to form and was a very active writer, working on both solo and group work that advanced plot.

MVP: Lt (jg) Kate Kono - Our young Intelligence Officer showed maturity beyond her years as she was extremely active this month, posting excellent group and solo work and also being very active outside the sim talking with crew and keeping everyone engaged.


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