October Awards
Posted on Thu Nov 5th, 2020 @ 12:17pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar
It was a slow month but productive nonetheless. Here are the awards for the month.
Best Post: Lt Cmdr Estella Stratton & Capt Shran dh'Klar "Legacy of War" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/102
Funniest Post: Cmdr Samantha Howard "The War" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/105
Genesis: Capt Shran dh'Klar "Appearances are Deceiving" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/101
Most Posts: 4; Cmdr Samantha Howard
Rookie: N/A
Recruitment: N/A
Most Improved: Lt Cmdr Estella Stratton - The counselor provided a deep look into a character that provided something worth pondering.
MVP: Cmdr Samantha Howard - The doctor was the workhorse of the month, working on both group posts and solo posts to advance the story.
Category: General News