April Awards
Posted on Mon May 1st, 2023 @ 1:58pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar
Well it is that time again. April was a wild month that saw a lot of excellent work done by everyone. It certainly appears that people are enjoying this mission as we continue to work through the story.
Below you will find our April awards. I want to convey my heartfelt congratulations to all of our winners and wish them well as they go on to represent us at the fleet level. I hope that we have just as many posts for me to look over next month.
Best Post (solo): Ens. T'Plana-hath "Down the Proverbial Rabbit Hole" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewlog/66
Best Post (group): Cmdr Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr Samantha Howard "A Pleasant Visit" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/519
Funniest Post: Cmdr Jonathan Grayson & Capt Shran dh'Klar "Kilrathi" https://washington.idfleet.com/index.php/sim/viewpost/535
Most Posts: Cmdr Jonathan Grayson; 10
Recruitment: N/A
Rookie: Ens. J.B. Dersch - Our new ensign certainly has come in and showed a desire to be active.
Most Improved: Lt Cmdr Callie Raven-Grayson - Our counselor showed excellent writing ability working with nearly every person of the ship in various posts which showcased excellent writing and creativity.
MVP: Cmdr Jonathan Grayson - Our XO really had his plate full this month as we were jumping into the meat of a new mission and he was also working closely with our new player, all while keeping things moving and interacting with the crew.
Category: General News
by Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson on Mon May 1st, 2023 @ 2:01pm
Congratulations all :)
by Ensign J.B Dersch on Tue May 2nd, 2023 @ 1:28pm
As Long As this is Site is up and running I will Always Be on for 8 Hours Each Day(Not Weekends) Waiting to Do My Part!