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Hands that Heal, Hands that Hurt

Posted on Tue Jun 8th, 2021 @ 1:43am by Commander Samantha Howard

Mission: A Dark Looking Glass
Location: Mirror Universe
Timeline: During Sam's torture

Torture, it was a method of extracting information from an unwilling participant using a variety of methods, generally painful.
The definition was so simple yet so very much seemed an understatement to the actual events.

As Shran's ungloved hand explored the lower regions of her abdominal cavity her body struggled not to completely shut down, held only by the iron clad will her mind forced upon it. She wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing her pass out, she wouldn't give him the pleasure of letting him win. Instead she focused on her breath and tried to memorise where she could feel his hands. Lower intestine, that was a kidney, he was fishing around with a casual disregard to humanoid anatomy, shoving, pushing, probing as though looking for a lost toy in a large children's toy box. The open wound and lower abdominal cavity would be rife for infection - and she was pretty damned sure he hands would not have been sanitised before going fishing.

The edges of her vision darkened, the field of view waxing and waning as though in a state of flux. She refused to let it close over completely, fighting to hang on to consciousness. In her periphery she heard the mirror Shran joke about trying to find her reproductive organs. Hate flared pure and intense. 'How dare he!' was the only thought she could muster in protest. 'How dare he interfere with her ability to bear children in the future, how DARE he!' True to her nature she remained silent, only gritting her teeth together to try and ease the pain.

He would not win this fight.


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