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Serenity Now

Posted on Sun Nov 28th, 2021 @ 8:20pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Lieutenant JG Eislyn Jortho

Mission: Sinister Intentions
Location: USS Washington

Shran and Eislyn were on their way to transporter room when Shran was notified of the request of the transport port ship to dock with the Washington. It was an odd request, but Shran understood why the captain of the transport ship might want such a request and he was inclined to grant it. He and Jortho altered their destination to the airlock on the port side of the ship.

"While I expect the passengers they are dropping off to be easy to handle, be prepared for some eccentricity from the crew of the Serenity" Shran said to Eislyn.

"Do you know the crew of this transport?" asked Eislyn.

Shran smiled. "You could say that. I first met Malcolm Reynolds when we served together on the Jupiter. He was one heck of a security officer, though he had a gruffness to him, and a bit of a lack of authority. He stayed in StarFleet until just before the Dominion War. He always wanted a ship of his own and finally got one in his usual way, after winning a Tongo game against some very angry Ferengi. He doubled up his earnings playing Dabo and turned all that latinum into a ship to call his own. He is a good guy, but he is a bit like a singularity, drawing a certain type to him for crew and trouble always seems to follow him, though they always seem to come out of it. I honestly am glad he got his own ship, because during the war he was one of the few cargo vessels willing to fly into hostile territory to resupply us. He isn't fond of Cardassians, and not much for Breen or Romulans either to be honest, and the same can be said for most of his crew. His wife has mellowed him a bit thankfully, but he is still a card to be sure."

Eislyn smiled and let out a small giggle. "Sounds like this has all the potential of being a fun and interesting meeting then."

Outside the airlock a security officer stood attentive as an operations officer unlocked the airlock after making the necessary checks. The airlock opened and a few moments later a pair of Andorians came through. Shran stepped forward to greet them, "He'dhtyl yug mmebsa" said to them in his native tongue. "I'm Captain Shran dh'Klar and I welcome you to my ship, the USS Washington."

The male Andorian gave a slight head nod, "I am Tholos and this is my wife Talla. I thank you for locating my daughter. We had feared the worst. Where is Lissan?"

"She is in our medical bay being given a final check up by my chief medical officer. We'll head their in just a moment. I'd like for you to meet counselor Eislyn Jortho. She has been the one that has made the arrangements for your reunion with your child."

"A pleasure to meet you both" Eislyn said.

The Andorians gave a reciprocating reply. It was nearly lost in the commotion coming from the airlock though, as a gruff yet handsome human male came strolling onto the Washington arguing with a Vulcan. "And I don't care who you are, but you follow the rules on my ship or I'll toss you out the nearest airlock."

Shran excused himself and walked over to the arguing pair, "Mal, I think now would be the right time for you to calm down and let me escort these people elsewhere while you and yours enjoy the hospitality of my ship and crew."

Captain Reynolds looked at Shran and then at the Vulcan, and then back at Shran, "I suppose you have a point. A drink or two sounds plenty good after dealing with this Pìgu tòng Vulcan."

"Perhaps you might invite the rest of your merry crew to join you. I'm sure they'd be agreeable to a bit of hospitality and a reprieve before you head off again."

"Sounds like something I can do."

"Good" said Shran. "I'll meet you all in the lounge after I address the needs of these guests." Shran turned, greeted the Vulcan, and then escorted him and the Andorians with Eislyn to sickbay, leaving the operations officer in charge of escorting Mal and his crew to the lounge.


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