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The End or the Beginning

Posted on Tue Jul 7th, 2020 @ 9:34pm by Commander Samantha Howard

Mission: The Borg Encounter
Location: Bridge

=^= Transport complete, we have them all in Sickbay Ma'am=^= the transporter chief announced to the collective relief of everyone on board.

=^= Good Job, well done everyone =^= Sam smiled as the tension began to leave her body, although things weren't over yet. The Borg ship still lingered on the viewscreen - crippled but who knew for how long. The Washington herself wasn't much better. Repairs were still ongoing, they could attempt to limp away and lick their wounds whilst trying to heal the Captain and Jon.

" Helm, set a course back to friendly space, maximum impulse for now" Sam ordered, heading back and settling into the command chair. It still felt wrong to be sitting in the Captain's chair, but as the senior officer on the bridge it was hers to sit in.

The mighty Washington swung around on her axis and limped in the direction that she had come, one team working to repair the ship and another getting ready to heal those they had rescued.


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