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Posted on Wed Dec 6th, 2023 @ 10:08pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson

Mission: Hard Earned Peace
Location: USS Washington

Shran left his quarters after his impromptu meeting with Jon, Callie, and Shon, his mind no longer focused on the peace process and the Kilrathi delegation coming aboard, but now concerned about the return of the entity known as Hela. She was a severe complication to what was already going to be a difficult and delicate situation. The Kilrathi were going to be tough to wrangle to begin with, but now Shran wondered how Hela might complicate the situation, and he was concerned about what she wanted from Shon. Without much warning, he found himself entering transporter room 1.

He hit his comm badge, =^=Shran to Celes. Deanna, have the Kilrathi arrived? =^=

=^=We just detected their vessel coming out of their hyperspace nexus. They should be in transporter range in 10 minutes, and we should be able to establish communication with them momentarily. =^=

=^=Very well. I have Jon dealing with a new matter that has sprouted, and Callie is escorting the colonial delegation to the conference room now. =^=

Meanwhile Callie was with Piper, Phoebe, and Paige. Having arrived at their guest quarters she had let them know it was time to head for the conference room.

“Whatever you need from me Ambassadors please feel free to ask. I’m here to aid you as best as I can.”

"I assume your captain is attending to the Kilrathi delegation?" questioned Phoebe, her voice sounding a bit annoyed when she mentioned the Kilrathi.

"Settle down Phoebe" said Piper in a diplomatic tone. "We appreciate you functioning as a liaison and for your captain being willing to mediate these peace talks. Making peace with the Kilrathi will be one giant step towards us being admitted into your Federation, which in turn reunites us with our long-lost families on Earth. It has been only two weeks since we encountered your ship initially, and so much has happened. Would you say this sort of thing happens often for you, or is this the rarity it appears to be to us?"

“To be honest exploring worlds such as yours is pretty routine, but finding long lost tribes from Earth is pretty rare. At least where this ship is concerned anyway.” Callie smiled warmly. “We’re only too happy to try and reunite you with your families back there.”

"It is honestly both exciting and frightening at the same time to know that we'll reunite with long lost family" Paige admitted.

"We won't reunite with them until we make peace with the Kilrathi" Piper said bluntly. "Do you think your captain can make peace with them?"

“If I had faith in anyone, then it would be in the captain.” Callie nodded. “In the time I’ve known him he’s proven to be a brilliant captain; one I have faith in.”

Piper offered a look of confidence. "I think you may be right. He does seem capable of wrangling the Kilrathi."

“Very capable!” Callie nodded. “Andorian’s have senses to rival anyone of my, or any other telepathic species.”

"Telepathy?" questioned Phoebe. "When did humans become telepathic?"

Callie silently cursed herself for the faux pas. “Humans aren’t, I am. I’m only half Human, but it would take too long to explain the intricacies of it now. It’s something you’ll learn more about in time, right now we need to concentrate on these talks.”

"A human hybrid with another race. How utterly fascinating" Phoebe said as her face oozed excitement. "I agree" added Paige.

Callie was spared the need to try to say anything more on this subject as the doors opened and Shran entered with the Kilrathi delegation. "Everyone please take their seats" Shran said diplomatically. He looked over at Callie, "everything good?"

Callie nodded and smiled. “We’re good Sir, we’re ready to get underway with the talks.”

General Garawl took the lead spot for the Kilrathi. "We come because you appear to be honorable captain. You have promised a fair and neutral setting for these talks, as well as a willingness to function as arbiter. We will listen, but treachery from the humans will not be tolerated."

Shran offered a look of confidence towards Callie and the colony delegates. "I appreciate you being here and your willingness to at least discuss peace. Both sides have grievances towards the other side that are generational, and we must seek out a way to be open and honest with each other if we are to have any chance of creating a peace."

"We are here to establish peace captain. We are aware that we may never come to like the Kilrathi any more than they can do the same for us, but that won't keep us from peace should they be agreeable to it" Piper said in a confident and diplomatic fashion.

"It would appear we are both here for the same thing. Proceed captain" Garawl replied.

Callie offered Shran a discreet nod to let him know that so far things ‘felt’ like they were going well.

Shran was encouraged that both sides seemed to be at least willing to talk, and relieved as he caught Callie offering reassurance, allowing him for the time being to rest easy regarding Hela. He could only hope that Jon would be able to smooth out whatever might be going on with Hela and this new member of his crew, Lt Senn. But that would matter would have to wait until they reached an appropriate intermission in these talks. He began the negotiations, starting out with the history and grievances of both sides, hoping that any sort of agreement between them, even over something like history and the atrocities they had committed against one another would be a step in the right direction.

Callie too was hoping that Jon was getting on alright with Hela. There was no knowing what chaos she could cause to the proceedings. “Ladies would you like to ask any particular opening questions?”

"Can you provide us any medical information regarding the medical disorder we call Kilrathi Fever?" questioned Phoebe.

Garawl looked to his colleagues and then offered a low grumble. "We can, but not until we have established the parameters of this proposed peace. We don't wish to risk giving up medical information that could potentially be used against us in the form of biological warfare."

"This seems like a sensible compromise considering the Kilrathi fears" Shran agreed.

Callie nodded. “Ladies what would you like to have included in the peace treaty? What reassurances are you willing to offer the Kilrathi in return?”

The talks continued for nearly another 3 hours before Shran dismissed them for a two-hour intermission, allowing both sides to get refreshments and discuss amongst themselves.


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