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I've seen This Before

Posted on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 6:47am by Lieutenant JG Vienna Steele & Lieutenant Wyatt Steele

Mission: The Andromeda Strain
Location: Wyatt and Vienna's Quarters
Timeline: Current

Wyatt was relaxing in his and Vi's quarters. He was sitting on the couch with Vi beside him. "I'm going to get myself something to drink, would you like something?" Vi smiled and nodded yes. Getting up, Wyatt went into the kitchen area and got them both a glass of iced tea. Returning to Vi, he stopped suddenly, dead in his tracks. There was a slightly younger Vi and himself at their wedding! Vi was getting ready to throw her bouquet of flowers and had a brilliant, radiant smile on her face and his younger self was wearing an ear to ear smile.

“Wyatt?” Vienna had noticed the sudden change in her Imzadi, she was about to call Sickbay when the connection they shared brought memories to the forefront of her mind. “Our wedding? Are you...seeing our wedding?”

Vi's voice broke Wyatt's trance. "What? Oh Vi! Yes, our wedding are you able to see it as well?" Wyatt asked as he continued to watch the scenes from their wedding unfold before his stunned, surprised eyes.

“I...can’t see it, I just...feel it” Vienna was surprised Wyatt was even responding to her.

Wyatt was silent as he watched their wedding. It was a living dream. The happiest time of his life. He heard Vi's question, but words failed him as he stood transfixed all he could do was mumble "uh huh."

Vienna closed her eyes, she had attuned herself to Wyatt’s thoughts before so she tried to share in his vision as well. She smiled as they started sharing the same scene. “I remember this like it was yesterday.”

Wyatt stood transfixed as he watched the events of Vi's and his wedding. Like her, he remembered it like it was yesterday. A smile played across his face as he watched an enjoyable piece of their past come alive right before their eyes.

“This feels so real, how can it be so real it’s not happening now” Vienna had never had a memory that conjured such real sensations, just like being there at the time.

"I don't know Vi. I know it isn't happening but this is more than an illusion This is real but it can't be." Wyatt replied his eyes still on the events of the past.

“I know” Vienna was being drawn deeper into their wedding memory. “It’s got to be temporal, but...It’s still so real, like we’re really here.”

Wyatt hadn't moved, he heard Vienna and he knew what he was seeing couldn't be real as in happening now but he knew it had happened just as they were both viewing it.

“How are we even sharing this? It shouldn’t be possible yet here we are.” Vienna smiled as she looked towards Wyatt.

"I don't know Vienna but there we are. Just like it was yesterday." Wyatt answered as he and Vi continued to watch the images from their wedding play out before them.

“We can’t stay in this memory Wyatt, it’s not...we shouldn’t be here!” Vienna Wishes they could buy she knew it wasn’t natural sharing a memory like this.

"I know we can't Vi." Wyatt replied but it was soooo hard to pull away from this vision. It was from a simplifier time when he and Vi were younger, wide eyed and the space was big and mysterious. "We have to get ourselves out of this ." He told her.

“Yes we do, we live our lives in the here and now not in the past, no matter how much it means to us.” Vienna looked around. “There must be a way out of this, to pull ourselves out of it.”

Wyatt nodded at Vienna's factual words. "Yes, you are so right. Our lives lie in the future not the past. We have to keep saying and reminding ourselves of that."

“I live for what we have both then and now” Vi responded. “But I love our lives as they are in the present, I don’t want to linger in the past.”

Wyatt nodded in agreement. "The past is closed to us but the future is full of endless opportunities and I want us to explore those opportunities together."

With a supreme effort Wyatt turned from the vision of the past and instead his eyes found and settled on the most precious person in his life. The person who gave his life purpose and meaning. Made life worth living. His remarkable wife Vienna.

Vienna found herself back in real time looking into the eyes of her beloved husband. “We’re back!” She looked around. “Wow that was so real, like we were there.”

Wyatt walked slowly over to Vi. Without a word he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly while kissing her lovingly. Only then did he speak. "I think for a few minutes we were back there Vi."

Vienna nodded as she held onto Wyatt. “So do I, and I’m glad. It just reminds me how lucky a woman I am.”

Wyatt kissed Vienna again and held her close. "I'm the lucky one Vi. To have you has my wife, best friend, lover and confidant. I am so very lucky.”

“No, we’re both lucky to have each other.” Vienna smiled warmly. “I guess we’d better get back to work.”

Wyatt nodded. "Well said Vi." As he continued to hold her, "I'm working right now, thank you very much and I do totally enjoy my subject." He grinned.

“This is most definitely not work” Vienna grinned. “But I do so love being here with you.”

Wyatt grinned back at his love. "Oh, it isn't? I thought it was a master class." He answered before he began laughing. I do so love you Vi."

“You can show me just how much later tonight” Vienna grinned a wry grin. “But for now it’s back to work I’m afraid.”

"An offer, I will be sure to follow up on." Wyatt replied with a grin of his own.



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