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The College Tour

Posted on Tue Dec 31st, 2024 @ 4:46pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar

Mission: Family
Location: Earth - StarFleet Academy

Shran and his son materialized on the transporter pad. A cadet stood at the controls, a chief petty officer standing just behind him looking over his shoulder, reviewing what he was doing. "Make sure you lock the system cadet" he offered. The Chief looked up at Shran. "Hope you had a smooth transport sir."

Shran looked at his son and then back to the Chief, "It was a solid transport Chief. The cadet seems to grasp the basics at least." He looked at the cadet, "Well done cadet. Pay attention to the Chief and you'll be an expert on the transporter systems in no time."

"Yes sir." the cadet replied.

Shran exited the transport hub with his son Archer as they strolled onto the Academy grounds. The grounds were fairly sparse, which Shran expected at this time of year. Shran pointed out various things of note as they made their way around the campus, including a few locations he had found comfortable for study time.

As they walked around Shran took note of a very special person working next to a sequoia tree. They walked over and Shran did his best to speak to the man. "Afternoon Boothby. Been a while."

The man looked up from what work he was doing and looked at the Andorian closely for a moment. "Shran dh'Klar, as I live and breathe. I heard they made you the captain of the Washington. What brings you back here? Not getting into mischief again, are you?"

"Mischief?" Archer questioned, looking at his father.

"I hardly think picking a few flowers counts as mischief" Shran said defensively.

"It does when they come from my prized roses and tulips" Boothby said with a smile. He looked at the young Andorian next to Shran, "I assume this is either your son, or an Andorian you have sponsored for the Academy."

"Correct on both accounts, in a manner of speaking. This is my eldest" Shran said proudly.

Archer walked up to the elderly human and offered him his hand in the traditional human custom, "Archer dh'Klar. Very happy to meet you sir."

Bootby shook his hand. "Archer. Huh. Makes sense considering your family history."

Archer was intrigued. "What do you know about my family history?"

Boothby scoffed ever so slightly. "Recent history, not much. But older history, the sort of history that was made when this tree was young. You are named after a famous human, Jonathan Archer. He was the first human captain to encounter your people. As it happened, the leader of those Andorians was named Shran. He and Archer had a rocky but well-established friendship."

"You'll find Boothby is of great help to you if you are wise my son."

"Do you spar?"

"Frequently" Archer replied.

"Let me know when you start next term, I'll be happy to help train you for the Academy boxing or wrestling teams. Andorians make for good sparrers" Boothby said in reply.

As they completed their talks, Shran walked with his son to show him the rest of the campus. His son seemed to be quite impressed. Even the weather seemed to be cooperating, fairly warm day for San Francisco in December, and not a cloud in the sky.


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