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More Questions than Answers

Posted on Tue Mar 21st, 2023 @ 2:23pm by Commander Jonathan Grayson

*Personal Log of Commander Jonathan Grayson, begin recording."

Our current mission has ended with the capturing of the two temporal agents sent back to twenty first century Earth. We are still not sure of their purpose other than the fact that they were introducing technology years before it was suppose to occur. The lead agent a man by the name of Maddison was as devious and evil as any man I have ever encountered. In his guise as the head administrator for NASA he attempted to block and hinder our attempts to uncover what was going on at each and every step we took.

The arrival of Deanna Celes, Dr, Samantha Howard, Lt, Hillis and Ensign T'Plana, helped to find out his true identity and when he did he became even more determined to stop us by trying to mentally manipulate Callie and then Shon even while he was in stasis. The captain had no choice but to kill him.

However we still don't no his mission and perhaps we never will. All I know is I am glad this mission is behind us.

*End Log.*


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