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Ore Processing

Posted on Wed Jun 2nd, 2021 @ 5:51pm by Commander Samantha Howard & Commander Jonathan Grayson

Mission: A Dark Looking Glass
Location: Ore Processing

After a short while the Guards returned, grabbing both Jon and Sam roughly by the arms and hauling them to their feet. Sam clutched at her medkit and kept it close to her lest it be lost. The handling was brutal, she was sure there would be bruising from the tight and unrelenting grip of her upper arms. They were dragged down to the Ore Processing unit and thrown through the heavy metal gates into the throng of dirty, hungry workers.

Jon gritted his teeth, determined not to cry out from still tender back Sam had treated. His irrational anger and given way to icy cold rage. They had taken Essie! He would make them all pay for that act. But first he and Sam had to find a way out

The gate slammed shut behind them with a loud clang and the workers crowded around the newcomers trying to find out information. Someone made a grab for Sam's medkit but a swift kick to the stomach stifled any further attempts.
"You ok Jon?" She asked.

"No." He said as he got to his feet but I'm better Sam. Thanks for helping me." He looked at the medkit. "Hold on to that, we may need it."

"Trust me I plan on guarding it with my life. I have a bad feeling we're gonna need everything in it to get out of here in one piece" Sam admitted as she looked around at the tired and hungry workers. The guards looked on with contempt and took it upon themselves to flog anyone who even looked at them the wrong way. Getting out of there was gonna be tough.

"I think your right Sam." Jon answered as he looked around at the hungry workers. "But I don't think these guys are going to be our problem. "It's going to be dealing with the guards." He looked at the doctor. "Walk with me so we can get some idea of what we're facing."

" Of course, Sam levered herself to her feet and slung the medkit but its strap across her body so no-one could try and steal it again. Desperation made people do stupid things, and she had no doubts that every single one of these people were desperate to escape.

Jon looked around the area, looking for any weak spot that they could exploit and use as an escape. Then once he and Sam were free, they could free Essie and get out of this madhouse.

" Psst... you're new here... what you here for?" A voice hissed from a dark corner, the figure only emerging when there was no-one else around. His clothes were ragged and torn, he had a look of desperation.

Jon turned in the direction of the voice, "We made the wrong people mad." He said simply. "Who are you?"

The man shrank back into the shadows slightly, concealing his appearance. " I run the resistance here on the station. We need intel of the other side"

Jon glanced to Sam to see what she made of this latest development. "The other side? The other side of what the gate?" Jon asked not willing to give this stranger too much information on Sam or himself... at least not yet.

" The gate you just came through. what rooms where you in, any information you have will be valuable for us" The man looked cautiously left and right as though he were afraid of being seen.

"Look friend, you'll have to excuse us for being cautious. How do we know this isn't some sort of set up?" Jon questioned the man. "We want to get our friends and get out of here and back where we came from."

" I may be able to help you, but it'll cost you" The man whispered, his face completely concealed. " We need information, in exchange we will give you details of our next action - which may provide you an opportunity"

"No, not good enough. You want information, we want out of here. So help us get out and we'll tell you what you want to know." Jon answered firmly.

" No deal" The man looked cautious around again. "Draw me a sketch of the surrounding corridors you walked through, doors, alcoves, anything, and I can make sure you get your opportunity when it goes down"

Jon looked over to Sam for her opinion as this involved her as well. "What do you think Sam? We can draw some doors can't we?"

" if it gives us an opportunity to get out of here and rescue our friends - then sure I'll draw a few corridors" Sam replied with a smile. It wasn't much, but it was hope.

Jon looked back at the figure in the shadows, "Alright friend, we'll draw what we saw, got some some paper and something to write with and friend." Jon said still smiling , "Don't double cross us."

" The only people we double cross are on the other side of those gates" The man replied with a wry smile, producing a scrap of paper and a pencil from his jacket pocket.

Jon didn't answer. Instead he spoke to Sam. "Okay Sam lets see what we can remember to help these folks as well as ourselves."

Sam and Jon put their heads together and sketched what they could remember on the scrap of paper before pressing it back into the man's hand. He looked at it and smiled. "We're planning an explosive device tomorrow, this drawing will help us plan the location. Be near the gate just after morning meal"
He disappeared into the shadows again.

"Um, Your welcome." Jon said but not too loudly to draw attention to either Sam or himself. "An explosive device? Means a bomb in my book Sam. So we need to move with due haste when it goes off. Then we just have to avoid being captured again and find Essie and Phoenix." He smiled at her, "Piece of cake."

"Now we just have to bide our time and stay out of trouble" Sam replied with a wry smile, smothering it as a guard approached. Their resistance contact was already gone.

" You two, get back to work!" He shouted roughly approaching them with a glower.

Jon took Sam by the arm. "Yes sir!" He told the guard, "Come on Sam, time to get back to work." As the pair moved away from the guard. The last thing they needed was trouble.

They blended back into the depressed throng of workers to bide their time and plot their escape.


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