Mending wounds.
Posted on Mon Jan 3rd, 2022 @ 6:59am by Ensign Zack Ravencroft & Lieutenant Commander Shoniara T’ghann-Travis MD & Petty Officer 1st Class Amethyst Wyse
Sinister Intentions
Location: Holodeck, U.S.S. Washinton
Timeline: After "mexican standof?"
Zack entered the holodeck, Dex had wanted to spar and he was game for some training. He had got his nose and lip fixed the day before so with the exception of some soreness, he was alright.
Dex entered and nodded at him. She wore a tight light fight suit with her long hair tied back. “Ready,” she said ”don’t go easy on me.”
Zack turned and saw what she was wearing. He frowned, why would she wear something like that. "Are you trying to distract me?" he asked calmly. Yes, it was very distracting and it would take a great deal of focus to concentrate on the fight it self.
She smiled “Why do you find it distracting? I find it helps to keep everything in place.”
He sighed. "If you don't know that, then you are very naive..." He got ready himself, now standing in a black tank-top and lose-fitting tai-chi pants. If she was going to play that game, so would he, not that he expected it to work.
Shon made a small bow “sof'el'itju” she said to him assuming the stance, knees bent arms flexed moving from the elbows and slowly began to move round him.
Zack also took up his stance, his footwork was more diagonal than most martial arts. slipping past defenses by going in through angles was part of his style. As she moved around, he did so too, trying to read her. Very few could move without giving hints to what they were planning and thinking. Everything from eye movements to stances. "Been practicing for long?" Zack asked, trying to slip past her focus. When it came to marital arts, speed and focus were kings. It didn't matter how strong someone was, if he was unable to hit the target, it was a useless cause.
She did not answer his questions she knew they were an attempt at distraction and Vulcans were very good at avoiding any distractions. She looked at his eyes as she had learnt that tactics could be seen within them. She moved the other way, then back, forward watching him. Her mind was still, thoughtless. She was stalking like a Sehlat after her prey. She jabbed forward and moved back all the time making sure she was never off balance.
Her movements were graceful and disciplined, each jab he managed to deflect but he didn't retaliate, not yet. He wanted to know how skilled she was and like him, she was focusing on his eyes. 'Very good' he thought as he stepped close to see how she would react, if she would strikeout, he would deflect again and use an open palm strike if he managed to pull it off.
She moved forward and struck out at him getting herself just a little too close.
Zack moved to deflect her arm, her strength was more than he expected and he managed to scrape a hit over his cheek, but he also managed to move in position to send an open palm straight at her spleen. He knew that hitting the spleen with a closed fist could put someone out of a fight fast, an open palm was better and safer too. He could feel the burn of her scrape on his cheek, he knew he would have a mark from it.
Shon fell backward knowing he was going soft on her. Falling onto her back she sat up and jumped straight back up. Her hair had come loose around her. She growled low and soft her eyes no longer saw him as anything but prey. She increased her movements all the time scoping distances between them, moving forward bending on one knee, and using the other leg to thrust out to catch his legs and unbalance him. Her pupils turned silver.
Her increase of speed was surprising and it forced him to take things fully serious. She managed to catch his leg with her kick, but he jumped with it causing him to backflip and land on his feet again. She was really good and he felt that her kick had caused him damage to his leg.
Whilst he was still recovering from the backflip she rushed T him pushing him back into the wall her hands pinning his wrists apart. She snarled and sniffed his neck, then pulling him forward she flipped over backward with him sending them both to the floor. She straddled him.
Zack arched an eyebrow at her. "Your losing focus Doctor Doctor." Even if she was strong, her weight wasn't enough to hold him down so with an effort he slowly started to push her off him. When there was enough room, he flipped her to the side in order to get free.
She fell unbalanced onto her side panting. She backpedaled away from him and stood she was breathing heavily looking at him as a man now, her pupils remained silver.
Zack flipped himself back to his feet with ease. It felt very much animalistic in a way from her. The fight had been relatively brief, but intense. He had got a really good workout trying to best her. He was truly impressed. He took a deep breath, his eyes and face changed as he pressed himself into his 'zone', a place where he would take in even more information to read her. His pupils dilated, bringing in as much light as possible, his heartbeat increased as his system was flooded with adrenaline. To Zack, the room became dull when it came to sounds, his vision became like that of tunnel vision.
She took her fighting stance again, she would not stop until one or both of them stayed down. She hit out at his chest with her left hand whilst feinting with her right.
He moved to deflect the feint hit, ready to strike her again with his right fist.
She already saw him moving in a split second to defend the blow grabbed his right fingers and turned them hard to the right. She knew she had probably left herself open to some punishment.
Zack reacted by flowing with her twist, this caused him to flip forward, landing awkwardly. But he had enough leverage on his feet to go for a shoulder check towards her stomach. If he missed she would have a golden opportunity to get a solid hit on him, becasue it would leave him open. He was very impressed, he was forced to fight outside his comfort zone.
She stepped sideways out of his balance zone and twisted his arm up, out and then back causing ligaments to tear in his elbow and shoulder.
He loudly grunted as he managed to pull his arm free from her grasp, Zack looked at his arm as he cradled the injury with his other hand. This injury put him at a very steep disadvantage and his shock would most likely hit him soon, he had been running on adrenaline for a while and he knew it wasn't much left. "Very nice," he grunted again as he planted his feet into the mat, only one way to come out of it with some kind of respect. use his injury as faint that he was sluggish, but it was just to make her come close. It was risky but the attack would normally put someone on their ass, knowing he wasn't far from throwing in the towel, he put his good side towards her as if shielding his bad one. All he needed was to get within reach of his one inch strike, a strike that actually pulled power from the feet through carefully controlled muscle movements.
She backed off a little way watching his eyes trying to gauge how much pain he was in. She was also tiring, in fact, she would have tired a while ago because she was only half Vulcan her Risan side made her more animalistic at this time. She knew it had been wrong to spar with him at this time as it activated her mating drive. She started to make a couple of mistakes, on the back foot instead of the front, she moved towards him as she went in for the kill.
Zack timed himself as best he could and he was lucky that he managed to get at the proper distance by making a light step back to dodge the pinch. Extending his hand so that the tips of his fingers touched her solar-plexus, he strength from his now planted feet, up to his legs, hips, torso, shoulders, all the way down his arm to his closed fist, and with all that strength he initiated the one-inch punch straight into the solar plexus. Normally that would knock the air out of anyone, he hoped it would be enough to deal with her. He was injured and not at full strength from the fatigue. This was also his last attack as he felt his knees buckle. He didn't even get to see if it worked as his face landed flat on the mat, pulling an "ouch" out of him.
She crumpled backward into a heap, trying to get her breath enough to say something. Then eventually she managed a “you win Zack.” And fell back down curled up.
"Medic!" he called, he could hardly move. His entire side and arm hurt like hell. "I need a doctor over here..."
She crawled over to him and fell on the floor beside him. “I’m not sure I can do anything at the moment.” She reached for her comm and tapped it wincing. =/\= Dex to sickbay Amethyst please respond =/\=
Amethyst was surprised to be called since no medical emergency had been called in. =/\= I’m here Doctor, what do you need? =/\=
=/\= if you are free can you please bring a full medkit with hypo of analgesia enough for 2 people to holodeck 3 =/\
Amethyst felt like asking a pile of questions but now didn’t seem the right time. =/\= I’ll be right there. =/\= With that she went to get what Dex had requested.
“Zack are you still alive?”
"You are brutal. Evil Doctor Doctor." He said, his face still planted in the mat, it felt like his arm was burning up.
Arriving at the holodeck Amethyst entered to find both Dex and Zack down. “Doctor! What happened? You both look like you’ve been through a war with a Klingon!!” She settled down beside Dex first.
‘Please when we are not in sickbay call me Shon, or Dex. Thank you but treat the Ensign here to a nice shot of analgesia first’.
Amethyst smiled and nodded. “Getting right on it Shon.” She pulled out a hypo and gave Zack a shot.
"Trying to drug me Doctor Doctor?" The pain started to fade slightly. "A nice nap would be nice."
“I thought you would appreciate it. After I have had some I will repair your arm, well you are welcome to nap here for the night but I am sure your quarters will miss you. Thank you for this I hope you will try to beat me to a pulp again soon. Next time I will not go so easy on you. When you are able slide yourself over here.”
"Next time? I guess I'll go for the kill next time..." His words was starting to get slurred, he was getting very tired. Maybe his body was trying to get him to sleep. "It was an experience."
“Just relax Zack” Amethyst grinned. “We’ll take care of you.”
“We need to get you into bed but you are in no state to walk. Amethyst I am going to have to transport with the Ensign to his quarters. She tapped her badge again.
=/\= Dex to transporter, can you please beam the two of us to Ensign Zack Ravencrofts quarters. He has an injury and cannot walk.=/\= she held onto him and the bag. Thank you Amethyst. They left in a haze of blue and materialized in his quarters.
“I need to get you into bed Ensign. Please help”
Groaning, Zack got to his feet and laid down in his bed. After a long sigh, he was off into sleep.
She dragged herself to the bag and retrieved her med sensor and ran it over him to check the extent of his injuries. Finding his torn muscles and ligaments she repaired them giving him another shot of analgesia. Unable to move she gave herself a shot.
“Sorry Zack, move over,” she said as she lay down beside him curled up and slept.
He turned to his side in his sleep, not knowing what his guest was doing. She woke only once when he moved over onto his side away from her. “You should be so lucky Ensign” she said as she went back to sleep.