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Smoke and mirrors

Posted on Tue Jan 4th, 2022 @ 11:22am by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson

Mission: Sinister Intentions
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: To come


Having finally awoken Callie was lying back on the inclined head of her bed, looking somewhat better than she had. She’d made a request to speak with Shran, and she sat quietly awaiting his arrival.

Shran entered sickbay and took a look around, spotting Callie. He slowly strolled to her side. "I hope you are well counselor."

Looking up from the PADD she was reading Callie offered Shran a smile. “Captain, thank you for coming to see me.” Her demeanor was strangely off for Callie. “I understand that my husband...T’Vall was killed whilst being held as your prisoner, I’d like to know exactly what happened.”

Shran had a confused look on his face. "Did you say T'Vall was your husband? I think your mind must still be jumbled counselor. T'Vall was the man who abducted and attacked you. Jon is your husband."

Callie smiled and nodded. “In a fashion that’s true, you see Captain this isn’t poor scared, and frightened little Callie you’re talking to. I’ve been here a long time Captain, just locked away in the back of my own mind, T’Vall helped me to be free.

Shran looked puzzled yet annoyed. "Are you playing some game? Locked act as if you are a different person."

“I am...what you might call Callie’s stronger self, during our time with T’Vall her mind shattered finally setting me free. She’s still in here..” Callie tapped her head. “But we share this body now.”

"Stronger self...sharing a body. So you want me to believe you are a different person, is that it? You are no longer Callie, but someone else? And how might I refer to you?"

“Oh I’m still Callie, I’m just...her stronger half, but for ease you can call me Lia since that is Callie’s middle name.” She smiled.

"If that is the case then I'm afraid we do have quite a problem. You see, what you are describing to me would be a rather serious mental condition. Now perhaps over time with the help of medical professionals we might get Callie back to a place where she could return to duty, but as it stands, I'm afraid I'll have to remove you from active service." Shran wasn't sure what game was being played, but he intended to put things to a test.

There was a pause as Lia massaged her temples, as she looked back up at there was a more familiar voice. “Captain?” Callie looked at Shran obviously confused. “I’m sorry I don’t remember you arriving here...” she looked around. “Where’s Jon?”

"Jon is recovering. He was injured....are you feeling alright? You seem a bit out of sorts."

“I err...” Callie frowned. “I don’t know, did I do or say something?”

"I think Eislyn is going to have to have some time with you. You were just telling me you were somebody else and that you wanted me to call you Lia."

“Lia?” Callie frowned. “I don’t...” She paused before looking back at Shran with a smile. “See what I mean Captain? I’m afraid Callie is...more than a little confused right now. It’s up to me protect the two of us, since T’Vall is no longer with us.”

Internally Shran was beginning to become annoyed. It wasn't Callie's fault, he just didn't care for cat and mouse games and he was equally worried that whatever the problem with Callie was, it would be something that would take significant time and effort to fix, if it could be fixed. "So I am talking to Lia again I suppose. You know Callie didn't need protection. If she did, the only person that she needed protection from was T'Vall. Odd that you seem so attached to the one person that actually caused harm. I believe the humans call it battered spouse syndrome, though T'Vall wasn't your spouse." Shran wondered how quickly Eislyn could get up to sickbay, and what, if anything, she could do.

Lia seemed to find that comment annoying as she gave Shran a more stern look. “T’Vall WAS my husband Captain! He and I were trying for a child when Callie took control, and left T’Vall’s safety! The result lost us our child!” She took a deep breath. “He loved us!!”

"You can get as angry as you like. Defend T'Vall until you are as blue in the face as I am. It doesn't change the fact that he was a psychopath, and egotist, and a rapist, and he caused only pain to all those around him. Are you certain you are protecting Callie, or is it really Callie that is protecting you?"

“She is...not...” Lia seemed to struggle before her demeanour changed back to Callie. “What happened? was it her...the other me?” She looked at Shran clearly scared. “Help me Captain! Please!”

"I'd very much like to help you counselor, but I am unsure how. I'm not the psychological expert you are. It seems to me that you have an internal conflict that centers around T'Vall, part of you saw the real him and all the horrors that he represented, but the other part of you, this Lia, seems to see him as some misunderstood savior that was wrongfully taken from you. I think the best thing for you will be to remain under the care of the doctors, and I'll get Eislyn here quickly to begin trying to figure this whole situation out."

Callie nodded. “You’re right, I’m not afraid to admit this scares me! I just hope Eislyn can help.”

"Just try to keep it together and reman calm. With luck Eislyn will be able to piece together what is happening and how best to treat the problem." He hit his comm badge and summoned Eislyn to sickbay.

Callie nodded. “I’ll do my best Sir. Thank you.”

Shran left her side and went to the office, looking for Samantha or Dex.


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