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Changing the Future

Posted on Thu Mar 24th, 2022 @ 12:57pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Lieutenant Commander Shoniara T’ghann-Travis MD & Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson

Mission: The Orion Syndicate
Location: USS Washington

"Captain, Lt Celes indicates they have rescued the away team and have captured several Syndicate members, including two priority captures. She requests that we transport them up, as Dr. Howard does have several in need of medical care."

Shran nodded in affirmation. "Excellent. Things are starting to go our way. Signal the away team and notify we will begin transport immediately." Shran looked at Dex and Callie. "It would seem ladies that our collective fears have been for not. I believe Dex that Samantha will need you down in sickbay. Callie, you are free to join her if you wish. I'm sure you want to check in on Jon."

Callie nodded. “I most certainly do Sir.” She smiled warmly.

“Yes Sir” said Dex. Callie and Dex returned to sickbay. Entering she had expected to see her friends safe, she looked around, there were a few patients and Dr Perrim, “Doctor have the away team returned yet?” He shook his head slowly. Dex looked at Callie, “where is everyone? She asked. “Sam, Seth, Deanna! Jon,”she called, “Callie they’re not here.”

On the bridge things were changing rapidly. "Captain, our task force will be here in 20 minutes. Transporter room is having difficulty looking on to anyone on the surface due to the cormaline deposits. Lt Celes has offer a suggestion, but it requires us to bring the ship in closer, into the atmosphere."

Shran considered the situation. Dex's future echo seemed to stay forefront of his mind. He was of the mindset that with the armor up though, anything that might happen wouldn't cause them the same sort of dire situation as what she has seen. "Very well, helm take us in at half impulse."

He hit his comm badge, =^=Sickbay, transport will commence momentarily. We have to move into the atmosphere before we can transport.=^=

Dex turned white, for a moment she felt the destruction of the Washington, a visceral fear ran through her “it’s coming true Callie.” She turned and ran for the bridge.

Callie didn’t have time to respond as Dex shot out of Sickbay. Instead she remained where she was to await the return of the away team.

Dex entered the bridge and looked at Shran. “We are going down there?” She asked stupidly. “Captain my vision, the weapon, it’s all coming true.” She took a deep breath and regained her control. “Captain May I stay on the bridge until…” she paused.

"Your vision was on my mind Dex, but in your vision, the ship simply had the shields breached. I can think of a dozen different ways and weapons capable of that, and while they are all military grade weapons, I suspect the Syndicate could have any or all of them. That said, I have decided to deploy the armor. Nothing, not even the Borg possess weapons or capabilities of breaching that. I'm confident that we'll be fine. But if you feel it necessary, you can remain on the bridge."

“Are we going to destroy the mountain base then, once the away team are back Sir?”

"That sounds like an excellent idea doctor" replied Shran.

She smiled” Well sir, let’s bring our team home and get this done so I can get back to sickbay.” She exclaimed no longer lost in her visions. Right this minute She believed In Captain Shran and the power of the Washington more than she ever had done. “I am going to enjoy this sir.” She exclaimed.

The Washington flew through the atmosphere of Orion like a massive eagle gliding through the sky as it approached its target. "Coming up on the mountain sir" said the helm officer.

"Put us into a hover. Begin transporting people up under Celes' guidelines" ordered Shran.

"Transports underway sir. Everything seems to be running smoothly." said the Deltan sitting at Ops.

As the Washington transported people up, Akula looked at the Washington through sensors. His hatred toward StarFleet, especially this ship was clouding his judgement. "I shall have my revenge" he hissed aloud. "You will pay for your wrongs against the Syndicate." He began hitting controls, activating a large weapons platform.

On the ship, indicator warnings began sounding. "Captain I am detecting weapons powering up inside the mountain fortress."

Shran was certain Dex would be nervous over this. "Scan the fortress and locate the weapon emplacements" he ordered.

She tried not to appear nervous but she could feel herself begin to perspire. Her hand gripped the chair until her knuckles became white with strain.

"Captain, quantum torpedoes fired."

Shran didn't flinch. "Brace for impact. Prepare to fire on those weapons platforms, transphasic torpedoes, maximum yield." As he gave the orders the ship shook ever so slightly from the impact of the torpedo hits. Shran looked to Dex, "I told you Dex, I figured out how to avoid your vision."

She said nothing, there was an old Earth adage she had thought of ‘it’s not over until the fat lady sings’ but she decided not to let the Captain know that particular thought. She leaned forward. It was then she wished she was on the controls that fired to destroy the mountain as It seemed that she had lived the vision forever. She was not one for revenge but…this time, just this once she felt rage towards the Orions.

"Return fire" ordered Shran.

The Washington fired and golden streaks flew from the ship towards the mountain. In the mountain Akula saw the torpedoes coming and had only moments to realize that he had sealed his own fate. The torpedoes slammed into the mountain causing massive explosions. From a distance it looked as if the mountain was collapsing in on itself. As the dust settled and the haze cleared, it was clear that the base had been destroyed along with the weapon platforms, and more to the point, nearly a third of the mountain was now gone.

Shran looked around, "Good shot ensign. Have our people all been brought up?"

"Yes sir."

Shran looked at Dex, "I suppose then that we have effectively changed the future you saw. Sadly, that means you have to get back to sickbay and tend to folks." He placed a hand over hers in support and gave her an encouraging smile.

She smiled an honest smile and nodded her thanks. “I have never been so happy. I will return to sickbay gladly…” she hesitated, ”thank you Captain.” And turned to go.

Hurrying back along the corridor to sickbay she wanted to see her friends and fellow officers safe, entering sickbay the scene was one of controlled mayhem. She looked for Seth but sought out Sam. Finding her in the middle of everything she grabbed and hugged her, totally against etiquette but she didn’t care.

“What do you want me to do Doctor?” She asked.


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