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A Vulcan Hello.

Posted on Sun Jul 2nd, 2023 @ 5:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Shoniara T’ghann-Travis MD

Mission: Writing the Q Cards
Location: T’ghann-Travis Family Quarters
Timeline: Current.

Seth had just left, taking their daughter to school before he went to his office. Linds sat at the breakfast table full after yet another large tasty breakfast. Seth was an excellent cook and seemingly loved it. Linds had not eaten so well for a couple of years since Keith had died, he also had been a wonderful cook and she found herself surprised, counting the qualities of the two men and finding then surprisingly linked. As she sat there she pondered on all the people she had met in this current adventure, and how they were coming together in ‘real life’ as in their writing.

To touch all their lives and those of other characters was a wonderful opportunity and she found she was beginning to enjoy it despite the fact that, any minute she could be returned to her real life. She could not, would not welcome that as, to be free of cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis and sciatica, a life of constant pain, increasing immobility and lack of sleep combined with living alone and feeling alone completely, was a battle every day to stay alive and one she sometimes wished she could loose sooner rather than later.

Hence her desire to touch as many lives she could in this reality so in this vein she decamped to the large communications screen in the corner of their quarters. She touched the screen. “Computer place a call to the Vulcan High Command, Alat City Vulcan, Ambassador T’hgrek.” The screen was silent for a few seconds then, there he was her bond brother, or, rather Shon’s his implacable handsome bearded face staring back at her.

Linds took a deep breath “Valev, we have not communicated in some time I just wanted to see how you are?” She said.

He looked aside for a moment as though there was someone else there then looked back at her and, for a moment she thought she caught the corner of his mouth moving.

“Is someone there?” she asked as she heard a door somewhere gently close. He continued to look at her not answering. “Valev, is anything wrong?” She asked.

“No my Sister, nothing is wrong I just wanted our call to be private that is all. I am well thank you. You also look well Shoniara pregnancy agrees with you. T’Lera asked to be remembered to you and Seth the next time we talked.”

Linds smiled “How is your Cousin Valev, did she fully recover from the fever?” She asked wanting to get the small talk out of the way. And then remembering a lot of Vulcan conversation was taken up with it.

He nodded. “Remember she is your cousin as well my Sister,” he chided her gently. “ She talks about the wedding in most satisfactory terms. How are Seth and Shasta?”

Her smile widened. “He is doing wonderfully thank you Valev, settling back to life in the Diplomatic service on board and Shasta has told us she wants to become a doctor, she is doing very well in science currently.”

He nodded, “I am glad to hear that, I can always ensure she has an interview with the Vulcan Medical Science Directorate if she learns Vulcan, and you my sister how is your work progressing?”

Linds sighed “difficult at the moment, we are dealing with a rather virulent plague affecting some colonists and a crew member. We managed to find a cure however….” Linds hesitated.

He raised an eyebrow and Linds could not help but giggle out loud. He was just as she had written and pictured him.

“Is something wrong my Sister?” He asked in as worried a way as a Vulcan could do. “You do not seem yourself, are you unwell?”

Her face became serious and, for a moment Linds wanted to tell him that yes, she was not who he thought she was and that she was dying but there was no point she knew. He would only think her mentally affected, contact Seth and begin making plans to travel to her side.

“You, Seth and Shasta can always come and live with me on Vulcan, your skills as a physician and a virologist would be most welcome as would Seth’s diplomatic skills.”

Linds nodded wishing now that she had not begun this conversation her mood having taken a deep melancholy turn. “Thank you Valev, it is always good to know we have that option but life on board the Washington is good, it is just that this current situation is……difficult.”

For a moment he once again looked aside and nodded. “I am needed I must go Shoniara but, I must tell you that I do not think you are yourself currently. Why don’t you take some leave, all of you come and spend some time in the mountains I know you enjoyed it there?”

Linds nodded, “It was indeed a beautiful, peaceful place with the cooling breezes from Mount Selaya, but at the moment I am unable to leave Valev. It was enjoyable seeing your face, thank you for taking my call.”

He raised an eyebrow once again frowning. “There IS something wrong with you Shoniara, why don’t you ask Samantha to take a look at you?”

Linds shook her head. “I am fine ..really fine Valev, thank you for your concern. I will let you go, It was “ she hesitated “it was good to speak to you my bond brother.”

“As it was for me Shoniara. Keep me appraised of how you are, and, remember me to Samantha. T’ghrek out.” He cut the connection.

For what seemed like an age she sat there staring at the scrolling text on the screen until, once again the tears began and she walked into the bedroom to get dressed for the day.


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