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On the Road Again

Posted on Mon Jul 20th, 2020 @ 12:54am by Commander Samantha Howard

Mission: Tal Shiar
Location: CMO's Quarters

The first eight full hours of sleep that Sam had managed in what seemed like forever was blissful. There was no recollection of her dreams - always a good sign when dealing with trauma on a regular basis - and she awoke feeling rested and energised. Rolling out of bed and landing lightly on the floor she started a series of stretches designed to elongate and refresh the muscles, allowing warm and energy to flow unhindered.

" Computer, coffee, hot with milk and breakfast nutritional program Howard 5... no make that 3"

By the time Sam finished her final series of stretches her breakfast lay steaming hot in the alcove of the replicator, the scent of it wafting through her cabin.

Salivating, the food was quickly demolished leaving only the steaming coffee mug that Sam carried casually to her workstation. Not due on duty for another few hours she could afford to review some of the incoming crew's medical records. Somehow she knew the information would become invaluable in a crisis.

Her musing was short lived when a senior staff meeting was called, drawing Sam away from her records and now cold coffee. Paperwork would have to wait.


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