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Hitting the ground running.

Posted on Fri Oct 27th, 2023 @ 9:35am by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Lieutenant Inara Senn & Lieutenant Wyatt Steele & Lieutenant JG Vienna Steele

Mission: Damn Dirty Apes
Location: Transporter Room 2

Inara used some of the tools to remove the Transporter Room's holoemitter for the EMH. "Um, Lieutenant. Why do you need that?"

"I don't have time to explain it to you, Chief. I simply need this along with a power cell that will power it for twenty-four hours." She noted.

"For what?!??" The Chief noted.

"Focus on the here and now." Inara placed it on a mobile power generator and began to rig it up as well as a mobile computer matrix." She had other equipment ready to go. Inara was very much a hands-on improvisor.

Wyatt and Vi entered the transporter room. They both had phasers and back packs full of equipment of their particular trade. He nodded at Inara as he waited for her instructions.

Vienna was studying what Inara was putting together. “Interesting choice of equipment there. I like to improvise in a tight situation myself.”

Shran entered the transporter room, ready to send off his new arrivals on what he hoped was a successful first away mission. "Lt Steele, keep your eyes open down there. The information we have about the natives down there tells me that you should consider everyone hostile. All of you should consider the Prime Directive in effect regarding the nature of your mission. Avoid contact with the natives if at all possible."

"Captain, we have a transporter window opening in 45 seconds" said the chief.

"Very good" Shran acknowledged. "Good luck to you all" Shran offered to the away team. He quietly hoped that this away mission would go better than the other one already in progress. Anything that might better the situation to get everyone back.

"Nothing to worry about, Skipper. It would be capital b-boring if it weren't for the chance to do some science. We're just heading down to take some readings planetside. Not to get into any trouble. Now if this was Risa... Then you'd have to be worried, sir." Inara smirked wickedly. "I do so love a good game of cards, and people who go to Risa often bring loads of latinum and egos to lose to yours truly, Risa, full of sore losers and broken hearts."

"Well just come back safely, and I'll be sure to invite you to the next high stakes poker night. Plenty of latinum for you to win, or lose" Shran said with an equally sly grin.

"You're fun, Skipper. It will be great to serve with you." She noted. "Alright Chief, Energize."

As the transporter set them down, Vienna gazed cautiously around where they’d materialised. “I’m not sensing anyone in our immediate vicinity, I suggest we don’t stand around too long though just incase.”

Inara filpped open her tricorder and lead them towards an Oaisis in the immediate vincinity. "Hmm. Interesting.. Very interesting." She noted as she set up the power source and the holo-generator and began to program it. Alright, this power generator should run this holo-generator for a good twenty-four to fourty-eight hours. Even more if we can flip it on if someone comes around." Inara activated it and to the outside viewer, it seemed like the Oasis disappeared.

Wyatt stayed quiet as Vi talked and Inara talked. So, he did guard duty, making sure no hostiles happened upon them. Just arrived on the ship and already he and Vi were categorized as "These two" he hoped this was a forebearer of what their entire assignment was going to be like.

“Sounds good” Vi nodded. “The more power we can conserve the better.” She turned to look at Wyatt. “Everything okay Wyatt?”

Wyatt turned to look a Vi. Leave it to her to sense something was off with him. God! He loved her. He pushed a smile up and nodded at her, "Sure thing Vi. Everything is fine. Just making sure we have no visitors." Which was true enough. "Everything okay with you?" He asked turning the conversation back on her.

Vienna nodded. “So far so good, I’m picking up on the planet’s inhabitants but none in close vaccinity to us right now.”

Inara helped set up camp and then pulled out her tricorder and her trusty old Compass. The magnetic needle was pointing towards a location, but it was shifting rapidly. "Hmm, there is a massive magnet anomaly five miles in this direction, and we shouldn't travel in this sun, we'll have to wait until nightfall."

Vienna nodded. “In that case I suggest we all get some rest, that way we’ll be refreshed and ready when nightfall comes. Tiredness could cause us to lose concentration and awareness.”

Inara nodded. "Keep on the alert, we're not alone on this planet. I'll take the first watch." It was unusual for a Betazoid to seek isolation, it was very unusual for a Betazoid to keep secrets. And inside... was a hint of pain. Inara Sen.. had lived a difficult life.

Wyatt simply nodded. "As you wish Lieutenant. Wake me in four hours and I'll relieve you."


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