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Familiar Yet New

Posted on Sat Mar 23rd, 2024 @ 5:30pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun

Mission: Lost & Found
Location: USS Washington

Shran had just finished speaking with the ranking officers from the Hudson and Daystrom, explaining the situation to them and informing them that he would be sending some of his own officers with them on their trip back to the nearest starbase. He let them go so that they could speak to the remaining members of their crews and help them better understand the situation. He had no doubt that they would have difficult times helping their crews reconcile what had happened. He was ready to return to the bridge when Jon brought a new officer in to speak with him. He saw the female officer and had to do a double take, as he thought her to be someone else. "Welcome aboard lieutenant. You'll be happy to know that you are not the first Ojnas to serve with us."

Bowing slightly, Imik responded. "Blessing on your house Captain, I hope my service pleases you." She stood up right and nodded slowly, "Did I hear you correctly? I am not the first Ojnas? You have met my kind before?" Imik seemed non-plussed by the information, how could this be? "May I inquire as to who was the first Ojnas to serve this vessel?"

Shran nodded in confirmation. "Yes, we had another Ojnas serve on this ship, in the very role you will now be serving as coincidentally. Her name was N'Sachzny P'Glosho. She was unique and was friends with several of my officers including myself. She had a very close relationship with a pair of my officers, most notably Cmdr Grayson. Before she left, I even had the honor of including her into my own family. I don't think she wanted to leave, but she had to serve your people once we assisted in ending a conflict between your people and the Tholians."

Jon was quiet. Seeing Imik reminded him of Sachzny. He missed his dear friend. Thankfully he still had the link they shared and he knew she was doing well. He hoped he and Imik could have as good a relationship as he and Sachzny had.

"Sachzny!" The name took Imik by surprise, "She was the one to walk these decks?" The Ojnas seemed to shake her head as if she didn't quite believe what she'd been told, then she looked straight at Jon. "You are linked, are you blood as am I?" Before Jon answered Imik turned to Shran, "I am the blood of Sachzy, she and I share family ties and are linked."

"Well, this is a coincidence" Shran said, a bit surprised. "What do you think Jon?"

Turning back to Jon, Imik informed them of her connection to Sachzny. "I am the daughter of her sister Zamu, my mother chose to take the name of her husband." She raised her hand to the side of Jon's head and brushed it gently, "You are the Human who stole the heart of an Ojnas, she misses you still."

Jon closed his eyes at Imik's caress. "I miss her a great deal." He answered softly. Not wishing to elaborate. His eyes opened and he now looked at Imik, "A great deal." He repeated.

"Yes, well..." Shran said a bit uncomfortably, "I believe I have a meeting elsewhere. I look forward to your service here lieutenant."

Withdrawing her hand Imik looked at Shran, "You misunderstand Captain, we are related and this is but an innocent welcome. Plus I had to see if I too were linked to him, it appears for now that Sachzny has established a block preventing any other Ojnas linking with him, that is a good thing I feel."

Jon accepted Imik's statement in silence. He wasn't sure how he felt about that. His relationship with Sachzny was special, unique and he cherished it just as he cherished her. He hope he and Imik could develop a friendship. It would be a bonus if it was as close as his and Sachznys.

Looking at Jon, Imik smiled, "We may not be linked Commander, but your thoughts radiate as a warm blanket. I am not Sachzny, but any friendship we have will be of our own making." She glanced down, "I am sure Sachzny feelings for you are exactly the same, she spoke of you often when she found out I was to be attached to the Federation."

Shran accepted the explanation for what it was. "Very well. I do believe we all have duties to return to. Lieutenant, I will look forward to your next duty session tomorrow. Jon, please ensure that our teams assisting with the Daystrom and Hudson are ready for departure by 0800 tomorrow. Command is eager to get both ships back and properly debrief them."

Jon smiled at Imik as she spoke of Sachzny. "I hope we can have a friendship that is equal to what Sachzny and I have." He answered before addressing Shran. "Aye sir, I'll make sure everything is in readiness for their departure tomorrow."

"Very good. I believe you have the bridge until Delta shift comes on duty in 20 minutes. I will leave things to you" Shran replied. He looked at Imik, "Welcome aboard lieutenant. I look forward to your service. Feel free to speak with myself or the Commander should you require anything, and remember, Dr. Howard will need to check you over before you are officially on duty."

Imik bowed and responded, "I will seek out the good Doctor once I have located my cabin, that way I will know where to go once the Doctors medications have taken effect."

"Yes sir. You are correct." Jon answered as he turned to Imik. 'Smart thinking Imik, to know where your quarters are."

"I believe you are berthed on Deck 2, not far from my own quarters. I will accompany you as I have to make a stop in my own quarters" Shran said to Imik.

Imik again bowed, "Thank you Captain, but I feel the need to explore this ship on my own. Plus you have better things to do than show this Ojnas where she sleeps, I will wander around and get acquainted slowly with the vessel if you have no objection, Captain.

"As you wish" Shran replied.


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun on Sun Mar 24th, 2024 @ 2:55am

The Ojnas are back, and so am I. And it doesn't feel as if I've been away.