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Getting Back

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 9:54pm by Lieutenant JG James Phoenix

Mission: Man & Machine
Location: Planet/USS Washington


A few hours had passed since the group had discovered the experimental equipment the machines had created. 85% of the equipment had been cleared to bring up to the Washington for study. The other 15% of the equipment was almost there, but it needed to be ensured that it could be transported up safely, and without any machines attempting to reclaim it. The remaining 15% was just random bits and bobs, and the device the group had discovered, which was the main reason why a small security detachment was sent down to the surface.

Ayana's orders for Phoenix was to take point, at least on the Washington crew who were assembled. The humans already on the planet had their own commander leading their part of the security group, but Phoenix and him worked together without butting heads. Currently he stood there chatting with the man about any updates in the security perimeter they had set up. There wasn't. Or anymore danger.

James was glad about this. Sam had cleared him for duty, but it would be a bit before he fully recovered. Dermal regenerators and blood transfusions did help greatly, but with how bad his injuries were, recovery couldn't be avoided.

The conversation between James and the man subsided and now he was left alone, overlooking the mostly enlisted complement of crewmen from the Washington. A Bolian Petty Officer approached the Ensign and handed him a PADD.

James accepted the PADD and looked over it. "So we are ready to transport the rest up?"

"Yes sir we certainly are" the Petty Officer nodded.

Phoenix gave a quick smile. "Thank you Petty Officer Vall."

James tapped his badge. =/\=Phoenix to Washington. We are ready to transport the rest of the equipment to Cargo Bay Two.=/\=

=/\=Very well, transporting aboard now.=/\=

The remaining equipment disappeared in a blue shimmer and reappeared in Cargo Bay Two in the same hue. After a while, the Starfleet detachment was beamed aboard as well, since they had nothing else to do on the surface.

[USS Washington]

After the group was transported back, James had been assigned to watch over the equipment for a few hours while the science department conducted research. Nothing had happened yet. As a matter of fact, besides a few idle conversations with the researchers and the other security officers assigned to watch over the device, the shift was rather boring. However, he was glad that it was like this, rather than being under heavy fire by machines that wanted to kill you.

A few hours later, Phoenix had been relieved by another Ensign. At this point he was tired enough to the point where he decided to grab a quick bite to eat in his quarters. At least he'd get to see Ash. During the course of this mission he barely saw her due to his orders. He was glad the he finally had a bit of a break until he was called upon again, or at least until his next shift.

He walked slowly to his quarters and slumped tiredly against the door. After pushing himself off and slapping himself so he wouldn't fall asleep in the corridor, Phoenix pressed the button to open the door, which shut behind him. To his surprise, he saw Ash sitting on the couch, who had managed to get her own quarters shortly before the mission.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind, I let myself in" she said.

James didn't question it. She used to do it all the time before Alpha Three. To be fair she had a key back then and the two did live together after that.

But this time around she didn't and he had locked it. Not to keep her out, but that was what he always did. There were others in the crew who had access anyway in an emergency. He didn't question it. He was too tired, and he was just glad to see his best friend.

The woman raised an eyebrow. "You good?"

"Tired" James mumbled as he plopped down on the couch next to her. He winced slightly as he did, causing Ash to look at him. "I'm good, just recovering. I'll be fine" he mumbled again.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes before Ash felt James lean his head slowly against her shoulder, quietly falling asleep. She smiled before taking the remote control for the lights in the room to turn down the lights which were bothering her, and to give James a better sleep. She wrapped her arm around him before falling asleep herself.


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