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Return to duty, possibly?

Posted on Wed Jun 5th, 2024 @ 11:15am by Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun

Mission: Man & Machine
Location: Imik's cabin
Timeline: Present


Imik stirred from her bunk, she'd been ill from some kind of radiation. How or where she picked it up from was unknown, it was only mild, so the CMO had sent her back to her cabin. Already the Humans had remembered that Ojnas like privacy, and the odd medical person dropping in was not a major problem for Imik.

She now made her way to the bridge, it was time to return to duty. The Sinkahue had been willing to wait for her to regain her health, but she had decided that the time had come to take up her duties once again.

Imik was unsure how the crew would react to her return, her last deployment had not ended well. 8472 had raised their heads again in regard to her species, complaints and distrust then flooded the vessel forcing Imik to leave for both her and the ships safety.

How much of that trouble had followed her, she did not know, but she felt sure someone would make the connection once again and she would be forced to move vessels. Perhaps she should return to her home world and take up the offer of her own command, DS9 may turn out to be the best place for the Ojnas and the Federation. And the fact it was not far from home, added a flavour to it which was tempting.

She entered the Bridge and walked towards the Sinkahue, taking a deep breath she halted and spoke softly. "Lieutenant S'Niohun reporting for duty Captain." She waited for a response, wondering if she would be allowed to resume her tour on the USS Washington.



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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun on Wed Jun 5th, 2024 @ 11:20am

This is an attempt to return to normality for me, please do not take offence if I suddenly disappear again. I'm unsure how I will cope, but I think I should at least make an attempt.