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Returning to Form

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 1:00pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun

Mission: Man & Machine
Location: USS Washington

Shran was sitting at his normal spot in the command seat on the bridge when Imik arrived, walked up and informed him that she wished to return to duty. He knew that Ojnas weren't the best at staying away from duty, as Sam had told him several times whenever Sachzny had been sent to medical. "Feeling better are we lieutenant?"

A simple nod added to her response, "I believe I am Captain. I must apologize for not carrying out my duties. I will endeavor to improve my service; do I have your permission to resume those duties?" She bowed at the end to signal her acceptance of Shran's authority.

"You were ill lieutenant. No need for an apology. I understand it was radiation sickness of some sort. Perhaps it was this planet we are orbiting. I suppose Ojnas deal with radiation in a different way than other species. I don't want you going near the planet yourself. Ayana has been handling security matters, so I would suggest you speak with her about current security matters underway. I know Deanna had a large amount of material brought up to cargo bay 2 that has security in place" Shran replied.

Imik nodded, "I will speak to both officers in an attempt to secure the correct situation at this time. Are both onboard our vessel at this moment or are they on the planet?" She glanced at the planet on the viewscreen, "Have we been of assistance or a hinderance to the planet? And did my research assist in anyway?" The Ojnas returned her gaze to her Captain, "I live to serve Sinkahue, permission to dismiss." Imik referred to her Senior Officer in the Ojnas form, to show both obedience and respect.

"Deanna is on the planet on a scientific study with Cmdr Howard and Lt Senn. I have the sinking suspicion she'll be bringing back a small zoo for study" Shran replied, a hint of joviality in his voice. "Ayana is checking on the phaser coils. We have done a great service for the people of this planet, but we still have more to do. Deanna and Inara need to get Phase 1 and 2 of the environmental cleanup underway and complete before Admiral Janeway arrives with the science and engineering teams. You are welcome to seek out Ayana to get updated on the security and tactical maters. Dismissed lieutenant."


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