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Heroes Welcome

Posted on Mon Jun 17th, 2024 @ 4:45pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson

Mission: The Andromeda Strain
Location: USS Washington

Shran and Jon had spoken twice since the initial contact by the Andromeda. It had been an early morning for them both. A priority message was usually something extremely important, an often dangerous, but it usually came directly from Command. For them to send another ship to relay the message was ominous in the mind of Shran. He had ordered for all sections be ready, not knowing what the message would order them to do.

Jon entered the Ready Room for the third time in the last several hours. Shran sat at his desk looking a touch haggard. The Andorian looked at his XO, "Just in time Jon. I expect Capt Hunt to be in contact with us soon. Has the Andromeda rendezvoused?"

Jon took a seat in the chair in front of Shran's desk. He looked the space at his friend, mentor and CO. "Yes, sir they have. I sent both your personal greetings as well as mine and was rewarded with the same from the Andromeda along with a 'standby for Captain Hunt.' reply."

"Very good. I suppose we should see what this is all about" Shran replied with a slight grin. He motioned for Jon to look at the secondary viewscreen he had on the wall as he activated it. Capt Hunt appeared on the screen. "Dylan, you've kept me in suspense for long enough. I have my XO here so we can get this Priority message."

"You know we have several vessels out here exploring the area. The Spector was exploring a sector from here 12 days ago when it encountered a portion of space littered with what it reported as fractures in space time. They sent updated reports as they continued the investigation, including encountering vessels of an unknown origin small in size but with immense power. StarFleet lost contact with the Spector 8 days ago. We were sent meet with you so that we can investigate together. We are the two most senior commanders within 8 sectors, and we command the most powerful ships StarFleet has. It is a bit like some of those old black ops days."

"It does sound interesting. You said this space is a sector away. It'll take us at least 12 hours to get there at high warp" Shran replied. "We have time to meet up in person and discuss the situation with more detail, get our staffs coordinated."

Jon listened in silence as the two captains spoke of the upcoming joint mission involving their respective ships and crew. He spoke up when Shran mentioned them meeting in person. "A face-to-face meeting would be better sir. We can have it in one of our conference rooms than on that band box of a ship." He grinned at Hunt. Though he joked with the Andromeda captain and the size of his ship, he knew the Andromeda was one of the most powerful ships in Starfleet and Hunt was a highly respected officer with a good crew.

"I see you still like having pranksters aboard your ship" Dylan said with a smile.

"We both seem to draw the best and brightest into our orbits" Shran replied. "Perhaps you can beam aboard and we can talk here. We have quite a bit of space."

"Yeah, that luxury liner of yours is pretty big. We'll be happy to join you. I'll gather my officers and we'll be there in say, 15 minutes?" Hunt replied.

"See you then." The viewscreen went dark and Shran looked to Jon, "This will be interesting. This is sounding like both a combat mission and a science situation. Round up Callie, Imik, Deanna, Inara, Sam, and Kate. We'll meet in the conference room before Dylan and his officers arrive. I'll have Ayana greet them and escort them to meet us."

Jon nodded, "It sure has me wondering what is going on." Jon admitted as he tapped his comm badge. =^= The following officers please report to the conference room. Commander Raven-Grayson, Lt. Imik, Commander Celes, Lt. Senn, Commander Howard and Lt. Kono." he looked over to Shran, "Message sent sir, we better head to the conference room sir. Don't want to be late to our own meeting." He joked.

"Temporal tears in space sounds ominous. My antennae get twitchy when Command get cryptic, and even more so when they shroud the cryptic by sending a friend out to work with us. The Andromeda is a Prometheus class vessel, giving it considerable battle power. Even a standard Sovereign class vessel is capable to handling multiple hostiles, unless we are dealing with the Borg. Having two tactically superior vessels to investigate this makes me feel that Command is concerned about a potential fight." Shran replied. "Now we just have to hope we can keep Kate from any youthful outbursts, and Inara from any of her more colorful diatribes" he said with a smile as they headed for the conference room.


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