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By My Command

Posted on Sat Aug 10th, 2024 @ 7:13am by Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun
Edited on on Sat Aug 10th, 2024 @ 7:14am

Mission: The Andromeda Strain
Location: Ojnas vessel 32251
Timeline: Present


Now back on her own ship, Sachzny looked around her. Calmaxus walked over and stood waiting, somehow things were about to get a whole lot worse. "Calmaxus, prepare to move to one of the large anomalies."

The Ojnas XO stood and then spoke quietly to his CO, "The Federation has not given a firing pattern, but we have found a problem with what is planned."

Sachzny turned to face her XO, "Explain what problem you have found, and just what we are going to do about it."

Calmaxus now pointed to a large map which he had put up on the view screen, "The large anomalies have extreme gravitational pockets and wells. These will affect the transphasic torpedo's course and stop them reaching the event horizon, but we have a solution."

The Ojnas CO looked at the map and then back to her XO, "And just what is this solution? And will it work?"

Calmaxus allowed a smile to cross his face, "The solution is simple Sinkahue, we first fire two photon torpedo's set to maximum yield. These should disrupt the gravitational situation enough to allow the transphasic torpedo fired straight after to pass into the event horizon and detonate as required."

Sachzny nodded her head, "Inform the Federation vessel of the problem and solution, then move us to the correct position to achieve maximum effect."

The Ojnas XO bowed and moved to the communications console and relayed the information to the Washington. As He did so Sachzny looked around at her vessel, would it survive the event to come. Damage and crew losses had taken their toll, doubt flooded her mind. But there was no other course of action to be taken, it was a do or die mission that she had to win and take her crew back in triumph.

The view screen now reverted back to its normal mode showing the Washington and the remaining alien ships, but they were holding back for some strange reason. It was as if they were waiting, but waiting for what? No matter as far as Sachzny was now concerned, the time had come to finish this attack and enjoy time and memories with old friends.

" Calmaxus, engage the enemy and place us in position to collapse the anomaly."

Calmaxus turned to Sachzny, "By your command."

As she sat down in her chair within her head Calmaxus's answer echoed, *By my command*



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