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Complex Theories & Aggressive Negotiations

Posted on Fri Aug 9th, 2024 @ 8:30am by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun & Lieutenant Inara Senn

Mission: The Andromeda Strain
Location: USS Washington

With the introduction of Sachzny now on the ship, they had an Ojnas ship available to assist in the issue. They were still in combat, but the fighting was coming to a lull, at least for now. The turbolift doors opened and Inara exited. Shran turned and saw her, "Inara, good. I need you and Deanna to figure out what our play is with these anomalies. I'm playing a hunch that if we close the anomalies, we eliminate the alien invaders."

Jon watched as Inara came onto the bridge. Inara was a brilliant science officer, but her personality could use some work. He just hoped she didn't say anything to set Sachzny off and just concentrated on the problem Shran had put before her and Deanna.

Inara spoke. "I've studied what data I have. It was, given a certain context, natural, but someone went and stuck their foot in the in the temporal door, so to speak, and that someone found a doorway to another time and reality, so they're holding these anomalies open in an attempt to enter other universes and timelines... let's just say Danu showed up to tell me I shouldn't be researching this, and I told her I didn't give a damn, and I'd research this to save my crew." Inara noted. "In short, we have to find the means of which these invaders are holding open all these rifts. Or Tesseracts as they're also known."

"I'm not worried about Danu or any of the other gods or whatever they may be. My concern at the moment is closing these rifts" Deanna said forcefully.

"Creating a rift to cross time and space you would think would require a great deal of energy, even more so if you are traversing realities" Shran mused.

"They may be from the future, but that doesn't mean they are necessarily that much more advanced than we are, because they come from a different reality" Deanna said firmly.

"Or the past." Inara mentioned. "There's civilizations out there that once achieved impressive feats of engineering and science, The Iconians and the T'Kon for example. But this race, Danu mentioned they were opportunists, but she was even more vague about their nature. I didn't press too hard for information. Likely because these 'gods' threatened to wipe me from existence. Suffice to say, these anomalies are growing exponentially." She brought up some long-range sensor data that showed the anomalies as a minor temporal disruption. "Four months ago." She advanced the scan. "Two months ago, Deep Space Four launched a probe into this region and found that the anomaly doubled in size." She advanced the presentation. "Today." She showed a chart of an exponential temporal cascade. "And if we don't shut down the means of these disruption..." she showed a projected simulation of the temporal disruptions consuming the whole sector. "And the damage doesn't end there. It will appear in multiple space-time continuums and disrupt them."

Jon looked at the projection and the temporal disruptions. "Based on current projections, how long before these disruptions take over or if you prefer consume this region of space?"

"Four days, and they're already guilty of much." She pushed a button, and the Norse image of the universe appeared on the screen. "Tell me, have you ever told a Viking about timelines, planes of reality, even alternate universes? Well... This is what a human in the ninth century discerned from it. I would not argue this in front of Daystrom Institute scientists. I do not do what I do to amuse them. But I can say these upstarts meddling of time. Particalarly what I believe to be Yggdrasil, is having a catastrophic effect in the Asgardians reality and elsewhere. We also have to think about these other planes of existences, and this is probably what these vague entities have told the early Vikings. There is more... much more. Which makes it doubly imperative we stop them. They may have already doomed many timelines."

Sachzny now stepped forward, "Our small scientific community has proposed a possible solution, a series of Gamma Ray Bursts induced by photon torpedo spreads fired by both vessels. We only have twenty torpedo's left, but from what I understand the idea is to cause a cascade within the anomalies."

The Ojnas Captain looked at Shran, "They suggest a spread of ten to fifteen torpedo's fired by one ship at one location, while the other ship does the same at another location. The torpedo's are set to explode at the event horizon within the anomaly, their theory is once these anomalies collapse a cascade will occur and spread uncontrollably to the other anomalies thus collapsing them." She glanced around to see if everyone understood, "Reactions to this plan please? Do we attempt it or seek another solution?"

Shran looked over at Deanna, who was doing her own calculations. "I think you'll find that your scientists, while on the right track, missed a key factor that Inara has brought forward. We have to impact these anomalies not only here, but on multiple planes of reality. Photons would only do the job of collapsing the anomalies here, which is fine for us, but leaves the anomalies open elsewhere, which in turn destroys those realities, and as those realities collapse, they unravel the tapestry that connects all realities together."

"I can hear it your voice Deanna. Don't keep us in suspense" Shran replied. "What solution do you have?"

"Transphasic torpedoes. We use the Ojnas plan, but we use transphasic torpedoes, set at maximum yield. It allows us to do as the Ojnas suggest, while also safeguarding everything that Inara has put forward, and we collapse the anomalies here and now, across all realities." Deanna looked concerned. She was holding something back.

Shran could see it. "All sounds great, but always a drawback. What is the drawback here."

Deanna sighed. "Collapsing the anomalies in this fashion will do as suggest, but in doing so, you will have a massive wave of temporal energy that will be expelled. I can't tell you what that will mean."

A small familiar voice whispered to Inara, "I can tell you Inara, and it means something very good for you, if you and your shipmates can pull this off."

Shran looked over at Jon, and then to Sachzny. "You see, my people always have a plan. I like this plan. I'm excited to be a part of it. Let's do it!" Looking over at Imik, "Transfer 15 transphasic torpedoes to the Ojnas vessel, then make ours ready. Deploy armor. Time to show these invaders how we do things around here."

Jon nodded, "Alright everyone get to your stations and let's do this. Time to close these anomalies." As he finished, he turned and winked at Sachzny. "Vanilla milkshake when this is over? I'm buying."

"ICK... Such a waste of Milk. Now Strawberry Milkshakes. That is something worth living for." Inara noted at the science station. Commander, with all due respect, we will have to introduce you to a more refined selection of food."

Imik dipped her head in reaction to Shran, "Transferring fifteen transphasic torpedo's now Captain." She then looked at Inara, "Chocolate milkshake Lieutenant, that is heaven as the Humans say."

Sachzny smiled to herself, the Federation in action never failed when it counted. "Sinkahue, I must return to my vessel and prepare it for what is to come. I wish you and your crew well in this endeavor, once it is over we must sit and talk about old times." A quick kiss blown towards Jon, and she faded away back to her own world, work to do and not much time to get it done.

Deanna shook her head. "Sachzny always seems to leave a moment too soon. Must be the milkshake conversations" she said as she smiled looking at Jon.

Jon watched Sachzny fade from view and a moment later he replied to Deanna. "Yep. That's exactly what it is Deanna. The milkshake conversation.' He replied with a smile.

Deanna looked back to Inara. "We need to determine optimum placement for the torpedoes. I think the two large anomalies in this system are our best bet, but we still need to come up with a proper firing pattern."


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