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On the Mend

Posted on Tue Sep 1st, 2020 @ 9:41am by Commander Jonathan Grayson

Mission: Tal Shiar
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Immediately after, Bound but Not Broken

The away team shimmered into sickbay, a special ward dedicated to infectious patients with a serious set of quarantine protocols designed to keep the rest of the ship safe. Perrim and his team were standing ready, complete with hazmat suits that would keep them as well safe in such a dangerous environment.

“ Right - tell me what happened” He looked directly at the ship’s XO.

The away team materialized in Sickbay, dressed in rags and Sam in Jon’s arms.

Perrim was there with his team. Getting right to the point by asking Jon what happened. We found the lab. Sam er Dr. Howard as the vials. We were discovered. We blew the lab up.
We were almost out but ran into a neuro net. We were captured and the Romulans watched the
virus work on us. However it worked on them faster. Dr. Howard devised a vaccine for them. We
escaped and blew a second lab up.” Jon replied by keeping the details of them being nude and bound out of the report. There was no need for Perrim or anyone to know that.

Sam extended a hand with the vials towards Dr Perrim “ That one is the vaccine I created, but it’s only for the Romulan genome - and that one is the original virus in gaseous form” She explained, settling into the soft comfort of a biobed and a regulation issue blanket that was the best thing she’d since in a long time.

Jon looked around for Essie but he knew she wouldn’t be allowed back here.He felt like he was about to fall over. First the Borg and now A Romulan secret base. He was just glad they all made it and were safe.

Perrim took the vials from Sam and placed them on a workbench, running a tricorder over each patient in turn and analysing the results.

“ Hrmmmm, fever, joint inflammation, inflammation of the lung tissues, compromised cell integrity. Looks like a doozy” He muttered to himself as he projected the readings onto one of the large wall monitors. Each patient’s biosigns in a section of the screen so he could easily keep tabs on all of them.

“ Not to mention dehydration and the start of malnutrition...Nurse Ersten grab them some food - nutritional supplement 18 beta - medical grade should suffice.” Perrim ordered as the nurse scurried to get the three meals replicated. Sam grimaced - supplement 18 tasted nasty - the beta version was worse. For some reason Perrim seemed to favour it. At least it would fill their bellies with good nutrients and help their bodies heal - despite the taste.

Jon saw Sam grimace at the mention of the supplements. “Hey Dr.Perrim can’t we have some real food? Even if it’s oatmeal and toast. Along with a glass of juice or a cup of coffee.” Jon hated hospital food and that included Sickbay; it all tasted like cardboard in his opinion.
“ Not unless you want your stomach contents to reappear” Perrim chuckled “ Trust me, this is all your system can handle at the moment” The nurse reappeared almost on cue with 3 large glasses - each with a vile coloured thick liquid within it.

“Geez Doc, it looks like someone already threw up. It looks like oatmeal in a glass and you want us to drink that? Ugh.” Jon protested. “Can’t you make it look like orange juice at least?”

The nurse looked at Jon with an ungrateful expression but returned to the alcove where the replicator was and returned with bright orange sludge.

“ Better?” She asked, handing him the glass

Jon saw the look the nurse shot him and frankly he didn’t care. They had been through hell and now they were supposed to drink porridge in a glass. When she returned with the porridge in a glass at least it looked like orange juice. “Only barely.” He replied then added “What no scrambled eggs?”

The nurse regarding him with a scowl “ According to your scan you’ll be lucky if you can keep this down - I don’t feel like cleaning up vomit today”

With a show of temper Jon scowled back. “You know what? Keep it. I’m not drinking porridge out of a glass and I don’t like your attitude.” He snapped.

Perrim walked over to Sam, his expression a little more guarded. Lowering his voice he wanted to know the rest of the story.

“ Metallic fragments in your wrists and ankles - hypothermia, contusions on your face and gums...out with it” He said quietly - giving her a little privacy.

Sam sighed, knowing that he would find out sooner or later about their mistreatment.
“ We were stripped, bound hand and foot - and apparently my big mouth deserved to be gagged. I really should think before I speak sometimes” Sam admitted, unable to meet her 2IC’s eyes. She felt ashamed that they’d been captured and mistreated so, even though the responsibility was solely on the Romulans.

“ I did warn you that mouth would get you in trouble one day” Perrim admonished softly, taking a dermal regenerator and healing the worst of the external injuries. His team were already working furiously on the vials that Sam had provided. The joys of having an expansive lab and many highly trained staff.

Jon was still seething from his argument with the nurse. He wished he could just get up and leave but that wasn’t possible and he knew it. He saw Sam and Perrim talking lowly and he had a good idea about what. Perrim wasn’t stupid and he probably knew that he had glossed over and downright omitted certain elements of the story.

One of the lab technicians appeared and spoke briefly to Perrim before he in turn addressed Sam.

“ Good work with the serum - it must have been challenging to construct in a limited environment - considering the… constraints placed upon you.” Perrim admitted “ The team say a working trial should be ready in the next 6 hours that will reverse the damage the virus has already done to your system. Until then, rest up” He patted her shoulder reassuringly. “ Here’s something more appropriate for you all to wear, feel free to change when you feel up to it”

Sam looked at the blue two piece sickbay garb and smiled - she normally hated the implication of wearing it but today was not one of those days. If she could erase the last day from her mind she would gladly do so.

She regarded Jon from her bed, wondering how he was holding up.

“ How’s the ‘juice’? “ She asked with a wry smile

“Not drinking it.” He answered stubbornly. “Don’t like the nurses attitude.”

“ Awwww go easy on her, she’s only doing what she’s told. Besides supplement 46 is far worse. Tastes something like char roasted targ mixed with slime.” Sam retorted, sipping her own supplement “ Mmmmmmm delicious”

“Don’t take her side Sam.” Jon replied with a scowl.“She scowled at me when I asked about scrambled eggs. And baloney on that tasting good. If it tastes so good you can have mine.” He added, “Besides it looks like porridge…. yuck.”

“ Anything else and your guts will revolt and you’ll be cleaning up your own vomit” Sam retorted, “ Trust me on that one, it’s what’s good for you. Don’t make me make it an order” She finished smugly, knowing full well that whilst she did have the authority, Jon didn’t HAVE to do anything as Dr Perrim was technically in charge

Jon didn’t answer her right away. He was busy changing into his own sickbay garb. He threw the rag to one side in disgust. Now, he would answer Sam. “It’s not good’” He answered as he eyed the glass. “And just try and make It an order Sam” Jon was digging his heels in now. He was short tempered, hot, and just not a happy camper.
Sam knew when a limit was being reached and she waved the nurse over and whispered something quietly into her ear. The nurse nodded and vanished, reappearing with something that Sam hoped was more up to Jon’s liking.

Jon knew he was being unreasonable, noncompliant if he used the medical term but he didn’t care. He saw Sam talking to a nurse who nodded and disappeared only to return a short time later with something else that he couldn’t quite see. “What have you got there?” He asked.

“Scrambled eggs” The nurse replied, lifting the cover and offering the plate “ Dr Howard suggested a few modifications to increase the digestibility of it so it won’t upset your stomach” The nurse replied, handing over some cutlery and a napkin. “ And a cup of tea - sorry no caffeine in it though”

“Jon perked up, “Really? That is great!” As he accepted the plate and the cutlery. “Thank you Sam!” He said happily and then stopped. Something wasn’t right. He looked at her suspiciously.”Okay what did you do?”

“ Just a few tweaks - trust me it’s still scrambled eggs, I’ve just broken the proteins down a little bit to make them easier on your gut. It should taste like eggs still” Sam encouraged, she’d been experimenting with modifying commonly requested foods to make them less ‘hospital’ like and yet still nutritionally dense.

Jon looked at the eggs and then back at Sam. “This isn’t porridge disguised as scrambled eggs is it? He questioned. “I do trust you Sam. Always have and always will After what we went through it only solidified that trust.” Jon remarked honestly. He took a small helping of the ‘eggs’ and popped them in his mouth. “Hmmmmm!” His eyes closed. “Tastes just like eggs.” Thank you again Sam.”

“ You’re welcome.” Sam replied with a smile, happy to know her modifications had been acceptable. She adjusted her bed so she could sit comfortably and talk with her team-mates whilst still being supported, the recline mode had always been her favourite.
“ Hopefully we’ll be out of here in a few hours - I would give my left arm for a decent nights sleep. Got a feeling we’re all going to be a bit sore tomorrow” She mused.

Jon had finished his eggs and like Sam adjusted his bed so he could see her as well as Lisa.
“I hope you're right Sam and I applaud your optimism. As for a decent night’s sleep I’ll see your
Arm and add a leg.” He bantered back.

“ Arms and legs are apparently now optional, remind me to add that to my medical report” She smirked, finishing her supplement and resting a little. She hated being a patient - she made the worst patient.

“ Dr Perrim - how is that serum progressing? I’m sure I created the Romulan version with half a rudimentary lab in half the time:” She retorted, her impatience starting to show.

“Now Sam. Be nice.” Jon gently admonished her. “ Let your people work..As for arms and legs being optional, with what we endured you aren’t far wrong Sam.”

Sam quietened down a little, the memory way too fresh from their mistreatment. Estella was going to have a field day when they were cleared. So far the medical team were keeping their symptoms at bay with a cocktail of medications, reducing inflammation and fever whilst the second lab team worked on an antivirus.

“ I just… I just want to get out of here. Back in my own bed, with my own clothes - after the longest shower - sonic AND water- known to man” Sam admitted sadly.

“Oh that sounds wonderful. To sleep in my own bed with real clothes no offense to this” Jon indicated their hospital clothes.. I’ll stay in the shower so long that when I come out I’ll look like a prune. “I think I’m going to sleep for a week.” He teased, “Though Essie may have something to say about that.”

“ Oh I’m sure she will” Sam replied sagely “ I think she may be rather busy after this little away mission. Let alone the paperwork - the report writing is gonna be a nightmare”

Jon groaned “Don’t even mention paperwork Sam. I don’t want to even think” He admitted. “Yeah, “She’ll be busy with you and Lisa.” He teased. “I’m fine.” He bantered and winked his eye at her.

“ Fine… sure you’re fine.... You got your ass handed to you on a Romulan platter - you’re fine” She countered - half joking, half not.

Jon’s eyes lowered and he turned away. Sam’s statement was true and it hurt He had failed to protect the team and as a result they all suffered injuries. Sam most of all. After a few seconds he turned back to her. “Very true Sam.” He said softly. His confidence was shaken first by the Borg and now the Romulans.

Sam noticed the change in demeanour, and changed hers accordingly “ Hey, this wasn’t your fault. We had the gut feeling this was a trap but we had no choice”

“I was in charge Sam. It was my responsibility to see that we weren’t caught and I failed completely and totally. I should have been better prepared. I hope you and Lisa can someday forgive me for what happened.” Jon replied

“ How can you prepare for a trap within a hidden base and a double cross by a dude who was supposed to be an informant?” Sam challenged, “ This was NOT your fault”

“I'm the first officer of this ship. I should have been prepared for all possibilities.” Jon countered. “Maybe Captain Kaylen of the Liberty needs a first officer.” He answered.

“ You’re a damned fine First Officer and any Captain would be ecstatic to have you on board. We need you here at the moment, we all need you here”

“Yeah, maybe.” Jon relented.. He sighed. “Fine I’ll stay here until we get through this and then I’ll reconsider my options.”

“ I can’t believe you want to leave, all your friends are here. We’re your family” Sam said softly, hoping to help him reconsider. “ Don’t let one mission that didn’t go the way we planned determine the rest of your life”

“Yes, you are my family and that’s what makes this so hard. It isn’t one mission Sam, it’s two.” He reminded her in an equally soft voice. His eyes closed. He was so very tired. Tired of letting
The Captain down, Essie and now Sam and Lisa as well as himself.

“ So we’ve had a rough trot lately. Doesn’t mean the entire universe is on your shoulders. You couldn’t control the Borg, you can’t control the Romulans - they are a force unto themselves.” Sam encouraged, hopefully helping Jon to see another side of the equation.

Jon opened his eyes, “A rough trot? Are we in a horse race?” He asked, his voice holding a trace of joking and his eyes also held a sparkle of teasing.

“Might as well be for all the control we have on the great universe and what it decides to toss at us” Sam smirked again “ Giddy up cowboy”

At that Jon laughed, He couldn’t help himself. Sam had a refreshing way to view life. “Yes ma’am he replied obediently.

“ Good, now when this is all over and we’re allowed out of here, a meal, a good sleep and I’ll meet you in TenForward for a debrief the old fashioned way - over a drink” Sam suggested, hoping that it was indeed going to be soon that they would be able to bust out here.

“Now that sounds like a plan Sam. One I am looking forward to.” Jon admitted. “However for now I am perfectly content to lie right here. In this nice and fairly comfortable biobed.”

“ Even if the scrambled eggs are modified and the tea is decaf?” She raised an eyebrow.

“I did say for now Sam.” A smile on his face. “I don’t plan on being here forever.”

His words hurt just a little - she felt she was finally getting to know the man who was the mighty Jon Grayson - only to have him talk about moving on.
“ It’s your career, you need to do what you feel is best” She admitted quietly.

Jon looked at her. He was confused by her reply then he understood. Sam had misunderstood his reply. When he had said he didn’t plan on being here forever he meant in Sickbay not the Washington. “Sam, I think you misunderstood me. I was talking about not being here in Sickbay forever. I’m sorry for the confusion.”

Sam raised her head a little “oh…. Sorry. I got that very wrong didn’t I” she replied “ I really should listen properly when people are talking, I have a habit of getting distracted”

He chuckled at her, “I don't think I was very clear in my comment.” Jon admitted “And I think you listen very well. Though I don’t know what could possibly distract you here in Sickbay.” He teased.” Relax, let your people do their jobs.”

“ As you would know its a bit hard to sit back and relax while your staff do all the work” She retorted “ The hardest thing is to sit here and do nothing”

“True” Jon agreed. “However I have found it’s easier to give advice than it is to follow it and besides we’re talking about you.”

“ Yes, me with the big mouth that she struggled to keep control of sometimes” Howard tried to cover her shame with a laugh.

“Sam. You don’t have a big mouth and there is nothing wrong with expressing yourself. Though I’m sure the Romulans would disagree. But who cares what they think. You keep right on expressing yourself and making your opinion known.” Jon replied honestly.

“ It gets me in trouble” Sam’s eyes were downcast “Besides not everyone needs to hear my opinion on absolutely everything”

At that point the lab technicians arrived back in sickbay, making a beeline for Dr Perrim. Sam tried super hard to listen into their conversation.

“Don't beat yourself up Sam. Don’t stifle your personality. Continue to be open and honest. Express yourself. Your opinion is valued and carries considerable weight.” Jon countered.

Dr Perrim approached the trio, holding up a hypospray as though doing ‘show and tell’ with young children.

“ Now you lot - Dr Sicarsi here tells me that this should be a working antivirus for this nastiness you encountered down there. Who’s up to be the first guinea pigs?” He looked between the three of them, daring each of them to speak up.

“Me.” Jon said. “I’m your guinea pig. As the XO of the ship, it’s my responsibility and if it doesn’t work you're only out An executive officer. You need Sam as CMO and LIsa as Chief Security/Tactical officer

“ Oi - the exact reason you shouldn’t be getting it first.” Sam cut in, sitting up a little straighter in her bed. “ Here, guinea pig away Dr Perrim” She offered her arm, much to the amusement of her staff.

“Hush Sam.” Jon replied. “Don’t you do it Perrim. I’ll have you changing bedpans for the rest of your time here.” Jon threatened.

Perrim chuckled, his eyes moving from one to the other. “ Seriously? I don’t care what you lot went through down there and how you want to protect each other. SOMEONE needs to try this vaccine. Sicarsi assures me that it should be 99.9% effective.”

“Are you deaf? I said inject me.” Jon repeated. “That’s a direct order as Executive Officer of the Washington.”

“ And She said inject her” Perrim countered “ She’s my boss…” He was truly enjoying this little situation play out.

“And I’m hers.” Jon pointed out.

“ Yet she can relieve you of duty when you are medically unfit for duty - and at this point in time you are unfit… but then again, so is she. So I guess I shall pick myself - yes?” Perrim snorted, the power going to his head just for a few moments.

“Bullshit If I’m unfit then so is Sam..” Jon answered, “You do that and I’ll make your life unbearable here.”

“ Will you just?” Perrim raised an eyebrow, Sam snickered in the background.

“Try me.” Jon retorted coldly.

“ I may just do that” He turned and raised an eyebrow in question at Lisa, and injected her in the arm, much to the chagrin of the other two.

“ Now you were saying?” Perrim retorted, tricorder in hand as he monitored the vaccine as it worked.

“Very cute Perrim. I hope you enjoyed your little joke. It will be the last one you will enjoy for a long, long time.”Jon stated. His voice was as cold as ice and his eyes as hard as flint.

“ Really now? We shall see about that - Now Lt Olsson needs to be responding positively to the vaccine, you two are next. Now lie down and be good patients or I’ll extend your medical quarantine for about another 2 weeks” Perrim shot back, raising the hypospray again.

Jon didn’t answer, he just glared at Perrim. He wasn’t going to get into tit for tat insults and threats. He would just show Perrim what happened when people crossed him.

Perrim approached Sam first, injecting her in the arm before turning to Jon and injecting him as well. As predicted the serum was highly effective and began reducing the virus to inactive dead cells in a matter of minutes. It would take some time for all three of them to recover fully but at least they weren’t considered to be carrying a deadly contagion anymore.

“ We need to maintain quarantine and quarantine protocols for another 4 hours, then you’ll be free to move around Sickbay. If you behave yourselves you may even be discharged back to your quarters” Perrim said slowly, as though dropping a lure into the water and seeing who was going to bite first.

Jon remained silent as the pompous Perrim spoke. He’d bust that balloon soon enough. For now he would just lie quietly.

“ Yes Dr Perrim” Sam used her sweetest voice, mocking her 2IC ever so slightly with her tone. They were used to bantering and he would understand the comment.

“ Now… as I said - play nicely you two. And no disturbing Lt Olsson - you should all be resting” Perrim finished as he gave them all a good glare before striding out of the room for what was sure to be a momentus report he had to write.

Jon remained quiet. However inside he was boiling mad!. He had been disobeyed! A direct order disobeyed. By someone he saw as a glorified flunky. He’d have his payback he vowed.
He didn’t trust himself to talk, not to Lisa, not to Sam with whom he had developed a quick and
lasting friendship and he didn’t want to get her caught in the middle of his little problem with Perrim after all he (Perrim) was a member of her department and she would have some degree of protectiveness and loyalty to him.

After a while Jon closed his eyes and breathed deeply.. He felt like he was being overwhelmed. Two disastrous missions. Now having to deal with a smart ass doctor.
“ Cut him… and yourself a little slack Jon, his sense of humour is somewhat unique” Sam quipped when Perrim was out of earshot.

Jon just turned his head and looked at Sam, not saying a word to her.

“ Jon?” She prompted, concern starting to furrow her brow. He was shutting her out, not a good sign. “ Spit it, come on”

“I don’t care for his sense of… humor.” He finally answered. The words bitten off one at a time. The tone glacial. Jon was mad and he wasn’t going to get over it quickly.

Sam hopped off her bed and headed over to his - pulling up a chair and plonking herself down on it to save her still shaky legs. The vaccine had indeed worked and she was starting to feel more like herself, but it would still take a few days to recover from their ordeal.

“ Hey...come on - talk to me. What’s chewing you up?”

Jon’s eyes were hard as he looked at Sam. “I don’t care for his sense of humor Sam Not to mention he seemed to find it funny to disobey a direct order.. I guess I am a joke if he can do that and get away with it.”

Slipping back into professional mode Sam could see an underlying issue when she heard one.

“ Is it really Perrim’s humour, or his attempt at lightheartedness that I admit wasn’t the most steller? Or are you beating yourself up about what happened on the planet?” She regarded him with friendly but concerned eyes.

Jon sighed. He was clearly frustrated. “I don’t know Sam. It’s probably a combination of all three. His humor was ill timed and at the wrong time and place.” He turned his head and looked at her. “He just seemed to be mocking me and I am not amused.”

“ He wasn’t mocking you, well not directly. Let’s just say he found it amusing that we were trying to damned hard to protect each other. As CMO it’s my role to take the lead on all things medical, as XO you’re responsible for the safety of all crewmembers. He found that amusing. I will have a quiet word about your displeasure. “ Sam made a note in her memory to have that conversation with Perrim. He was a great 2IC but sometimes the power went to his head. “ And as for what happened on the planet, you don’t hold the Romulans to blame for their double, triple crossing and bad information?”

Jon lay quietly as Sam talked . He had to admit she made sense. “He was the only one Sam.” He grumbled. He sighed again and after several seconds began to talk.. “Okay, I’ll leave it in your hands. You talk and deal with him. As far as the Romulans of course I do which is why I’m so mad at myself. We suspected a trap and I led us right into one. I should, correction I do know better.”

“ And what would you have done differently? We knew it was a trap, but we were under orders to investigate anyways. We took all necessary precautions and it ended up captured. There’s nothing else you could have done that would have prevented Straith double crossing us.” Sam countered again, her tone imploring Jon to believe her.

“Sam…..” He struggled to find the words. “ I, I feel so bad at what happened to you and Lisa. To be humiliated like that, like we all were. I’d do anything to change it to make it disappear but I can’t and I feel so damn helpless over it.”

“ Then we need to focus on the fact we all got out of there, and we’re all going to be ok. Sometimes bad things happen to the people that serve under you - it’s a risk every commander faces, whether on a Starship bridge, or leading a team into a suspected trap. If you question every decision you make, you’ll tear yourself apart. Trust in your training, trust in YOUR gut instinct. You’re a damned fine officer Jon, don’t let this bring you down.” Howard implored, picking up one of Jon’s hands and holding in her own. “ We’re a team, we made the decision to go in, we dealt with the consequences. Besides - the Tal Shiar are down one biochemical weapon and a secret base. Mission accomplished”

For the first time in days Jon smiled, a real smile. “You’d make a great counselor Sam, Thank you for the confidence, support and friendship. I’m not used to failure.” He admitted, “I always pushed myself to be the best,” He told her, “This is new. Throw Perrim in and it makes a disaster,” He squeezed her hand. “Damn right we’re a team and a good one. No Romulan. Or secret base or being injected with a bioweapon can ever destroy that.” He raised their hands and gently kissed hers. Thanks for the words and more importantly your friendship Sam. I never want to lose that.”

“ Well so long as you quit beating yourself up, you won’t. Now get some rest so we can bust out of this place” Sam smiled, standing and heading back to her biobed before Perrim came back and busted her for being out of bed. Whilst she was sure he was only doing his job, he did have to pull the attitude just a little.

Jon did a fair imitation of a Vulcan arching his eyebrow at her. “Yes Doctor. Message received and understood. No more beating myself up. Besides we have a date in Ten Forward once we get out of here.”

“ That we do - although I’m in two minds as to whether we should invite Estella and make her job a little easier. I think we’re all going to be spending time in her office over the next few weeks.” Sam admitted, as much as she was happy to give advice to others, she knew she sucked at receiving it.

“Personally, I think we should invite Essie but not talk about what happened on the surface, WE need to relax and unwind. Essie isn’t stupid, she knows we were all under stress and it won’t take her long to spot it.” Jon replied.

“ This is a very true fact” Sam said sagely, flopping back against her biobed, regarding her staff as they busied themselves, leaving the three of them alone mostly apart from taking the standard readings at regular intervals. Sam could see that all of the away team were now completely clear of the virus and their vitals were starting to strengthen in response to the nutrient dense supplements and other remedial medical treatments.

As if on cue Perrim walked back into the room, wandering over to the wall panel Sam had been reading a moment ago and looking at the display.

“ Alright you three, you’re released from quarantine - go home, get some rest, and come back at 0800 tomorrow morning for a follow up check.” He announced without any of the ego he had displayed previously.

Jon was a model patient. He did what the nurses asked without complaint or any wisecracks. He just laid quietly in the bed.

When Perrim showed up, he groaned softly. Yet when he said they could leave he was up and moving. He couldn’t get out of there quick enough and away from the arrogant doctor. He just acknowledged the follow up appointment. “Right 0800 tomorrow.” He told Sam she could handle the issue with Perrim and he hadn’t lied. Didn’t mean he had to be nice though.

Sam stifled a giggle at Jon’s reaction then sent Perrim a look that spoke volumes. The 2IC had the decency to look mildly admonished.

“ Now you, bed, preferably after having a decent meal of your choice. I promise no nutritionally modified eggs will be hiding in your replicator” She finished.

“Sure thing Sam as long as you do the same thing.” Jon replied avoiding looking at Perrim.. As far as he was concerned Perrim didn’t exist.

“ I promise” She gave him a hug before heading out of sickbay and down the corridor towards her quarters - they would catch up tomorrow morning when she would arrive early and get clearance, so she could perform the check ups on Jon and Lisa herself. At least that way she could diffuse any tension with Perrim by removing him from the equation.

Jon gave her a heartfelt hug in return and watched her head towards her quarters. He nodded to Lisa. “Go, get some rest.” He told her then without a look back he headed out of Sickbay and to his own quarters. A nice shoewer, a good meal and just possibly some quality time with Essie.


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