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Posted on Thu Sep 17th, 2020 @ 8:50pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson & Commander Samantha Howard & Lieutenant Michael Stonebridge

Mission: Return to Paradise

Shran made his way down the corridor towards the transporter room and entered, finding everyone already present. He could see they were all prepared, PADDs in hand. "With luck this won't be countless hours long" he said in a joking fashion.

Dr Samantha Howard sucked in a deep breath and released it slowly, she wasn't looking forward to what Command had to say, but still it needed to be done. Her report as well as all the other relevant details were on the padd in her hand, the Captain having already reviewed most of it. She was glad Jon was there, providing a knowing and calming presence.

Jon stood quietly, his PaDD with is report in his hand. The nauseating details all there. The captain had read and reviewed and made only the simplest of comments. He wasn't looking forward to the debriefing. He had the distinct impression he and Sam were going to have the book thrown at them and if they were lucky that would be it.

Being the man he was. Stonebridge had very little to say. He report would be just as brief. It was the information and the data that they had found that was playing on his mind, and what had happened to the other team. Being an intel officer he kept things close to his chest anyway. But this was one of the strangest missions he had ever undertaken and he was glad this portion of it was behind then. Or was it? He thought to himself.

"Alright, time to go. Everybody on the transporter pad." He looked in the direction of Samantha, waiting for her to say something that was just within regulations and yet meant to be humorous. The human need for levity in these situations never ceased to amazed him.

" Yes Boss, let's get this little witch-hunt put to bed with it's blankie and warm milk. Hopefully we'll all come out with our jobs." She mused darkly, hoping indeed she came out with her job. A demotion she could handle, a reprimand for aiding the enemy she could handle, but if things went the wrong way she'd get chucked in a penal colony for treason.

Jon couldn't help but grin at Sam's comment. Her spoken opinion matched his silent one perfectly. It was time to face the music.

Shran looked at her closely, his antennae up, his eyes squinted. It looked like a mix of joviality and frustration, and then that wry evil smile of his crept out ever so briefly. He could say something, but he could be dark in his own way. No need to inform them that they were all perfectly safe. He looked to the transporter chief, "Energize chief." In a flash they were nothing but a blue hue.

Starfleet Command presented the picture of graceful efficiency. Modern structures surrounded by manicured gardens that wreaked of organisation and perfection. It would almost make the Borg proud. Sam's expression became guarded as they walked from the tranporter hub towards the Command building. Shran however seemed perfectly relaxed. Damn him.

Jon walked almost woodenly, his steps stiff. He could think of a thousand different places he would rather be than here at Starfleet Command. He glanced at Sam and saw her expression matched his...guarded, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Followed by a swift kick in the pants.

Stonebridge looked at home here. He felt at home here and he couldn’t wait to hear from Intel to see how valuable the data they had brought with them turned out to be. Or not! He thought to himself.

The quartet walked the grounds of StarFleet Command, the sun shining down upon them while a crisp gentle breeze came off the bay. For Shran, as it was every time seemingly when he was here, it felt like he was a cadet again, at least for a few moments. Then as the cadets seemed to straighten up as he approached he would return to reality and remember he wasn't a cadet, he was a starship captain, and a fairly well known one at that. He was one of only a handful of captains that regularly got dozens of fresh faced applications to look through each year as the Academy graduated another class. And like the Academy, he molded junior officers into leaders. Finally, they arrived at the location for this meeting, StarFleet Intelligence.

They entered and were directed by a lieutenant to room. Shran knew this place all too well. He wondered who besides Intelligence would be at this meeting. He somewhat hoped for a large array, as that would hopefully allow all of his officers to get things dealt with all at once and avoid additional meetings. Considering what they had dealt with over the last few months, he wanted his people to get the rest they deserved, and honestly, he hoped to have time to visit home himself. They entered the room, a dark room as expected with a large conference table located in the center of the room which was the only area adequately lit. Shran took note that several staff officers were present, as were several admirals.

Admiral Tanaka looked up from his reading, "Come in and take a seat. You've had quite the trip to get here captain."

"Thank you admiral" Shran said as he and the others took a seat. "It certainly has been eventful over the last few months."

"Yes" said Admiral V'Lar drily. "It appears from these reports that your time exploring has been full of conflict. Commander Grayson has been deeply involved in your last two major encounters. Tell me commander, do you believe yourself healed from your Borg encounter?"

Up until that moment, it was a question Jon had asked himself a thousand times. yet now, hearing Admiral V'Lar pose it the answer was crystal clear. He drew himself up straight in the chair, "Yes admiral. I am." It was short and concise and answered the Admiral's question.

V'Lar arched an eyebrow. "I see the doctor cleared you medically, and you received psychological approval to return to duty by your ship's counselor, yet some of the events of this Romulan report make me wonder. Do you think your actions were your own during this classified mission, or was there any influence from your time with the Borg?" He looked towards Samantha, "I'd like your thoughts on this as well doctor."

Jon bristled at the Admiral's question. While he may have questioned his actions he never questioned his mind. He knew who he was.

He faced Admiral V'Lar head on. "No Admiral there was no influence from the Borg. My actions were entirely my own." Again his answer was short and to the point.

Sam bristled as Jon's integrity was questioned. It took balls to ask someone if they were still influenced by the Borg. Then again, you didn't become an Admiral if there wasn't some ballsish tendancies.

" Admiral as Commander Graysons doctor I can guarantee you we removed all trace of Borg nanotechnology. I saw no evidence of any latent Borg brain patterns in the time after he was returned to us" Sam interjected - trying to sound professional and not defensive.

"Very well Commander. Based on your answer and the doctors, I would then ask about this classified mission dealing with the Tal Shiar. Your team encountered far more resistance than Lt. Stonebridge's. Your team was actually discovered and even captured. How do you account for this?"

"Very simple Admiral it was a trap. We were set up." Jon's voice was crisp and confident. There was no self doubt in it. "Starfleet Intel was spoon fed information. Information the Tal Shiar knew it wanted. Of course it didn't help that we were also double crossed by our contact inside the base."

"Lt Stonebridge, do you concur with this assessment?"

“I wish I didn’t but I do. My team was lucky. We just got to our objective probably because when the other team got caught they weren’t looking for a second team.” Said Stonebridge

Admiral Chase spoke up, "Doctor, this Romulan biological weapon, it was based on Federation medical data, correct? And do you believe this weapon to be a threat to Federation security, and if so, to what degree?" The human female looked intently at Samantha, seeking answers to her medical questions.

Howard regarded all the Admirals and assembled staff in the room. It was indeed a fair question.
" I have the cure for the virus, effective on both humanoids and Romulans alike. However if the Tal Shair developed this strain - it wouldn't take much for them to develop another one. It could indeed threaten the Federation if it were released without warning. To do so would violate half a dozen treaties though" Sam explained for the room. "Whatever strain they may release would require time for an antidote to be found. I have however passed my findings into Starfleet Medical to be loaded into the database should anyone else come across something similar."

Admiral Chase cracked the smallest of smiles at this answer. "Captain, you are considered one of the most tactically minded people in StarFleet. Your thoughts on this would be enlightening, and in my view, eagerly sought."

Shran remained quiet for a moment, his hands in front of his face, fingers interlaced. Finally he sat up and spoke frankly, "The Romulans are not to be trusted. I would like to believe that true peace with them might be possible one day, but at this time, I don't think it possible. They live in a culture built on subterfuge, seeking out any advantage they can to open up new possibilities for themselves. They are more devious and less trustworthy than even the Ferengi. These biologicals weapons are just the latest example of what we should always be mindful of when dealing with the Romulans. It is only by luck that we managed to be at the right place at the right time, and only because I had the right people for the job that we got the favorable outcome that we are here discussing today. Commander Grayson and his team saved a lot of lives, far more than I think most would want to give them credit for. Lieutenant Stonebridge and his team did much the same, perhaps more. Imagine this virus hitting Earth; not today or a year from now, but a decade ago, or a century ago. Could it have been dealt with, and how effectively, and at what cost? I think we should look at the bigger picture, the long game as I have heard some of my human colleagues say, the same way the Romulans do. I'll chime in as requested when called upon, and my crew will always be ready to do its duty, but I think it is time for those of you here at Command to quit being so naïve and petty and for you all to look at that bigger picture so that we don't find ourselves in another Dominion War situation." The Andorian sat back in his chair, obviously retreating from his soapbox.

The admirals and staff looked aghast at this speech. It was obvious they had not expected such honesty. Only V'Lar showed no true emotion, but even he looked appalled, or rather the Vulcan equivalent.

Sam remained impassive - everything about her guarded as if waiting for the hammer to fall. Would Command buy the whole 'double crosser/trap' thing? Or was her career about to end in spectacular fashion?

Suddenly, clapping came from the shadows as someone approached the table. A face appeared with an incredulous smile on his face, "I did warn you all that he has a penchant for honesty, brutal honesty, and that he wouldn't take kindly to you being disrespectful to his crew." The admiral smiled once more as he gave a soft chuckle. "I told you all that he saw things more clearly than the rest of you. Maybe now you'll be more mindful of the field officers." He looked towards the Washington side of the table, "Commander, doctor, lieutenant, you all did excellent work. You are a credit to the uniform and are each everything your captain says you are. On behalf of everyone here, I thank you for coming here. I do believe we have kept you three here long enough. You are dismissed."

The shock on Sam's face was genuine. She had been expecting a reprimand, an expulsion from the fleet or at worse a comfy prison cell, but a 'credit to the uniform' was something she was not expecting in the least. Over a few moments the shock was replaced with a wave of relief. It was over. The doctor looked at Jon and Stonebridge to gauge their reactions.

Jon sat there unmoving for several seconds, he didn't look left or right just stared straight ahead. Finally after several seconds he took a deep breath and let out a huge sigh of relief at hearing Sam, Stonebridge and himself were credits to the uniform. It was the last thing he expected. Only then did he turn his head to look at Sam. He gave her a wink and followed that by a thumbs up and a smile.

"Shran, we should talk. Come with me" said the admiral.

"As you wish admiral" replied Shran.

As Shran left the room with the Admiral Sam waited as the rest of the Admirals filed out of the room, leaving her alone with Jon and Stonebridge.

" I don't quite believe it, but I think celebratory drinks are in order for bullets dodged and careers saved"

"Have to say, this wasn't the outcome I expected. Not that I'm complaining. Lets get out of here before they change their minds ." Jon answered "And I agree with you Sam. this calls for drinks, lots of em."

" You got that right" Howard agreed with a little too much vigor. Was it celebrating or banishing their demons? Either way it wasn't going to matter shortly.


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