

Posted on Sat Sep 7th, 2024 @ 8:29pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar

Captain's Log
Set Encryption, Alpha 1

Our mission with the Andromeda to investigate the temporal anomalies ended with us engaging an unknown species of a transdimensional nature. The alien species was extremely hostile. They used some sort of technology to open the anomalies as a means to invade our universe. They also used some sort of technology to create a tachyon-based disease. The disease was more of a means to distract and incapacitate, but thankful our medical staff, most notably Sam and Shon found a way to overcome it, and even created an inoculation against it.

The battle with the aliens was far more dangerous and deadly. They seemed to use a tesseract based technology that allowed them to come aboard out ship at will. They were brutal warriors, reminiscent of the Klingons and the Jem'Hadar. I have nearly two dozen injured, several of them were injured seriously. We also lost five crewmembers, most notably Ensign Torog. I have written a message for his family that we'll transmit as soon as we reenter Federation space.

Another brutal mission for my crew. They need time off, real leave time. Things haven't been this intense since the war, but it is just like the war, but Command doesn't seem to notice that. I'm going to give the crew as much time off as possible. Leave to the starbase, and for those that want to, shuttles to go to Betazed. It is the least I can do for the crew.

End log.


