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A Very Special Christmas

Posted on Tue Dec 24th, 2024 @ 7:22pm by Commander Jonathan Grayson

"Personal Log of Commander Jonathan Grayson.

I want this to be the best Christmas ever for Callie and Harry.
Of course, the same is true for the twins but they are too little and would never remember it. I've had spent hours working on this special surprise. An interactive holographic Santa that would address Callie and Harry by name when they spoke. I even have it programed and ready; all that is needed is for the sleepy heads to wake up.

I smile broadly as I looked at the Christmas tree in the corner of the living room. Christmas lights blinked cheerfully, and the ornaments had been hung with great care. Presents were lying underneath it just waiting to be opened. Sipping my hot chocolate, I thought about how lucky I am. Callie and I are back together and love each other more than ever. We've adopted Harry, and everyone is extremely happy with that move. I had almost died saving Callie, but I would do it all over again. There is no one more loved or precious than she is to me. I have great friends in Sam and Shon along with Captain Shran, Deanna, Ayana, L'Rissa, James, Kate and of course Imik. The Washington truly is a family. I truly am a rich man to be loved and respected by his family and friends."


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