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A Thesis Critical Article One.

Posted on Wed Dec 4th, 2024 @ 7:11pm by Lieutenant Inara Senn

Good Day, Reader.

My name is V. I have picked this name from a movie written about a man named V that opposed an oppressive system in a movie titled V for Vendetta. And while true we don't live in such a unpleasant version of England. Still the reasons V fought the powers that be deserve close examination.

The United Federation of Planets. Make no mistake, it is a dream of countless worlds, and I write today as a proponent of its principles. It is the principles of a paradise where we can resolve our differences without conflict, bordering on stupidity of war. But does this mean the Federation need not be criticized? Does this mean we should sit back and simply allow ourselves to be content in paradise.

The Federation is what it is because we dare to challenge it, for fairness, equality, and compassion in our society comes not from complacency, it comes from diligence and vigilance. We have to examine our values and morals on a constant basis. Or we risk losing it to what was once called 'the good of the many.'

Let us examine my friends, a time before the Dominion War. Let us examine the demilitarized zone treaty. While some say it was an imperfect treaty for an imperfect time. I say it was something far more sinister that cost lives. One of the few moments the Federation faced an armed insurrection by its own people.

Hindsight is 20/20, and if you were living on Earth, Vulcan, Betazed, Andoria, or Bolarus. You would have celebrated it as peace, but the truth has another side to the story; Admiral Alynna Necheyev, and I use the pen name V because I am criticizing a woman with influence. I have good reason to remain anonymous when addressing Alynna Necheyev.

She was well known in Starfleet Ranks as an aggressive and arrogant woman, as she had a great deal to do with the Demilitarized Zone treaty. During this time, the Federation was anxious to normalize relations with the Cardassian Union. They should have remembered who they were normalizing relations with. And in the process of deliberating peace, The Federation's people were not on the minds of those bargaining for peace. Least of all Alynna Necheyev. She was there to get the treaty signed.

A treaty that involved ordering Federation Citizens to leave their homes and accept resettlement for a little bit of peace.

I believe it was Winston Churchill that once said 'You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth.'

Not long after the treaty was signed, the Cardassian Union took possession of former Federation Colonies, and the Federation Citizens within. Federation Citizens that were forced to live under the oppression of the Central Command. But all was not well. The Bajorans remember well what Cardassian Occupation was like.

To this day, there are some Starfleet Officers who maintain the Maquis were terrorists. Allow me to paint you another picture. One person's terrorst is another's revolutionary. It would be a different story if the Cardassians demanded Earth or Betazed for peace, but a few colonies. Alynna was happy to negotiate the livelihood of Federation Colonists away. Of course she would say that they offered reparations. A guilty conscience offers many excuses. One cannot settle, and then decide in a pinch that its not their home anymore. A home is a matter of deep emotions. Deep pride. And Alynna Necheyev. She was the direct Catalyst for the Maquis. Because what human, or any other being, would want their home handed over to tyrants like the Cardassian Central Command?

Yes, the Maquis did fight for their homes, using distasteful tactics, but such is war in the grand scheme of things.

Of course Necheyev, upon reading this will tap her combadge and bark orders to someone in Starfleet who would be very interested in this Thesis Critical. But there will be no source for them to find.

But remember this story well. Lives and homes are not to be meddled with in the name of peace.


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