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Battle Prep

Posted on Fri Mar 5th, 2021 @ 7:11pm by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Lieutenant Commander Estella Stratton

Mission: Sabotage
Location: USS Washington

Shran returned to the bridge after the briefing with Jon, Samantha, and Stonebridge knowing he had preparations of his own to make. Once the away teams made contact with the rebels on the planet, the Washington would be moving to engage rebel forces in orbit. They would be engaging a sizeable force alone, and it was unlikely that these rebel Cardassians would surrender without a fight. In some respect, it was a lot like the war all over again. He remembered when they fought to take Septimus III during the war. The Cardassians defended it nearly to the last man. He didn't want something like that happening again.

With Jon leading the ground side of this mission, Shran knew Estella would be functioning as his XO on the ship, as she was the senior-most officer in the chain of command. He needed to make sure she was ready for this, and honestly, he wanted to make sure he was ready as well.

The Counselor sat, her face vacant of expression as she contemplated her last conversation with Shran and talk of the ghosts of war that haunted him. With the present direction of their current mission, it felt as though they were unearthing old skeletons. Ones she wasn't sure if they were ready to face. Prepared or not, they were going to be strong and willing to make some difficult choices. She just hoped that they would come out of this on top.

Shran made his way down to the lower half of the bridge. "Estella, would you join me in my ready room?"

Estella glanced up as Shran came onto the bridge. "Of course, immediately, Captain."

The two officers left the bridge and entered the ready room. Shran motioned for her to take a seat. "Would you care for something to drink?"

Following Shran out of the bridge, the Counselor came into the ready room and sat down. Her hands laced in her lap, she gave him a small smile. "No, thank you. You wished to speak with me?"

Shran made his way over to his desk and sat down. "Estella, as you know, we are dealing with a group of rebel Cardassian military soldiers. Shirtly, Jon, Samantha, and Stonebridge, along with about two dozen security will be beaming down to handle the surface portion of this mission; dealing with the rebels on the surface, rescuing hostages, that sort of thing. Once they engage on the surface, the Washington will swing around to the other side of the planet to deal with the rebel vessels in orbit or nearby. As such, you will be functioning as XO during this period and I wanted to make sure you felt up to it."

Estella blinked. Had she heard him correctly? "XO, Captain?" she repeated, seeking confirmation. The small smile she'd flashed him moments ago, wilted, replaced with a hard expression as she gave a nod. "Affirmative," Estella replied with the releasing of a breath. She just hoped Shran knew what he was doing. His confidence in her abilities was, flattering but, she didn't share it. Regardless, the Counselor was committed to the task.

"Excellent," he said as he gave her a reassuring glance. "I know this isn't something you expected, not your primary role, but I know you are capable." He stood and walked around his desk and sat beside her. "This won't be the easiest assignment for you Estella. Battle is rarely as glamorous as some try to make it out to be. It will be harder for you because you will have these new duties as well as your normal duties to handle simultaneously." Shran paused for a moment, a look of hesitation on his face. "In regards to your normal duties, I want you to keep a close eye on the entire bridge crew, myself included. While this isn't the first battle situation we have been in, it is the first that closely reflects the war. It may affect different people in different ways, myself included. I want you to be prepared to act accordingly."

Capable, maybe. Ready, well, she wasn't so sure, but she was going to have to be. Then, regardless of the amount of planning or preparation, the prospect of war was not something anyone was ever ready for. "No, it won't," Estella admitted. With the weight of her already assigned responsibilities that came with her role as the ship's Counselor, this would be exploring uncharted territory for her and there was that nagging fear of letting everyone down. Or worse, endangering them all on account of a decision she had made. All of them natural concerns that came with the appointing of such a position, even if only on a temporary basis. That was where she found her relief. "As always, I'll be ready to do what is necessary," she assured him. Now if only she could convince herself that easily.

"Very good. Let's get back to the bridge and make ready for combat." replied Shran. The two officers stood up and made their way back to the bridge.


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