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Past Is Prologue Pt. 1

Posted on Tue Aug 24th, 2021 @ 1:10pm by Lieutenant Aiko Kato

Mission: Breen in Paradise
Location: Deep Space 9
Timeline: Before Departure from DS9

The USS Scylax dropped out of warp in a blue flash of light just outside the warp-free zone of the Bajoran system. The hue of blue was quickly supplemented by the red glow of the ship’s impulse engines, propelling the Intrepid class starship forward towards Deep Space 9, which was hanging like a precious jewel against the backdrop of space.

There was a brilliant flash of light several thousand kilometers from the station as the Bajoran wormhole activated - an aperture of swirling golden-white light surrounded by blue clouds. A gentle smile played on Aiko’s face at the sight. She was more familiar with this sight as she had been here before. Yet, it never grew tiring.

But then again, she supposed stable wormholes were so exceedingly rare that they could never be tiring.

This place was by no means her home, but it was a place that had defined her career over the course of the Dominion War. This particular station had been at the tangential or at the forefront of the sacrifice of blood, tears and sweat made by the Federation during the Dominion War.

Several of her friends, including family members had lost their lives to ensure that the Federation retained its foothold in the Bajoran system when it was threatened by a superior conglomerate of belligerents. The War had claimed the lives of her entire family - both parents and two siblings.

It was perhaps fitting that she would end her time on board the USS Scylax by returning to where her military career had more or less begun in earnest.

She checked her speed, noting the ship was heading on course to the starbase at one-quarter speed, which she now gradually began reducing as the distance to the station closed. On the large viewscreen in front of her, Aiko could see more details of the station, including the other ships that were docked.

One of the ships on the pylon was a Sovereign class starship – jotting out elegantly against the pylon. The name USS Washington visible on the forward ventral saucer section of the ship.

There was a short whistle as Lieutenant Commander Tala Price walk towards Aiko from the command chair. “She’s quite the beauty ain't she Lieutenant,” Tala said.

“That she is,” Aiko replied nodding in approval. The sheer size of the ship was impressive as were her sleek curves. Aiko was quite excited to be at the helm of such a powerful ship. She had never piloted a Sovereign class starship before and looked forward to adding it to her bucket list of starships piloted.

“Receiving docking instructions,” Sharpe called from her station. “Transferring to helm.”

“Acknowledged,” Aiko responded. She pulled up the information noting that it was the standard docking procedure, which basically confirmed the guidance that was already in the navigational computer about docking at DS9. She slowed the ship even further, bringing her to the orbiting speed of 10,000 kilometers per hour as the Scylax drew even closer to the station.

Once the ship was within a hundred kilometers of the upper pylon they had been directed to, Aiko nodded at Tala to start final approach procedure.

Tala nodded walking back to the command chair. “Open a channel Sharpe.”

“Deep Space Nine, this is the USS Scylax requesting clearance to dock.”

There was only a slight pause before a voice replied, “Clearance granted Scylax, proceed to upper pylon one.”

“Acknowledged. Scylax out.”

“You heard the man,” Tala reported with a grin to Aiko.

Aiko responded in kind as she turned back to face her console. They were now about twenty kilometers from upper pylon one. The traffic in and around the station was fairly clear. Nevertheless, Aiko cut impulse engine and continued on with thruster power, using the ship’s reaction control system to align the ship perfectly for docking with the clamps of the upper pylon. Once she was in position, she continued ahead with just aft thrusters, which she throttled back slowly the closer they moved into position until they were just right by the docking clamp, which was when she fired the last burst of the RCS, making one final adjustment to the positioning of the ship to bring it to a halt with its docking port aligned with the docking clamps.

There was a gentle thud as the docking clamps locked on to the ship. “Docking clamped locked in and secure. Umbilical extended. Confirming positive lock. Docking sequence complete Commander.”

“Excellent as always Lieutenant,” Tala replied. “Sharpe, secure moorings and coordinate with Ops to power non-essential systems and switch power source to the station’s.”

Aiko for her own part was completing her flight report and was completing her post-flight checks, which comprised of running quick diagnostics on the navigational systems and the engines before putting them on standby mode. Each deft move of her fingers on the glass control screen took on significant meaning as she realized this would be the last time she would be doing this on board the Scylax, which had been home for the last ten years.

Tala, Sharpe…Captain Miles, Commander Cage...and so many more – they were all like family to her. They had not only served together, but they had also grown together – thrived together.

But this journey was now nearing its end – the last few sentences to conclude an exciting chapter.

Finishing her task, Aiko stood up, tugged at her uniform to straighten it and looked up at Tala and the rest of the Bridge crew who were looking back at her with smiles.

“Commander, request permission to be relieved of duty.”

“Belay that,” came the voice of Captain Lucas Miles as he emerged from his Ready Room, followed in short order by Commander Thomas Cage who was carrying some sort of vanilla cake with lit candles on top of it. Both men were all smiles, much like the rest of the Bridge crew.

“I know…I know,” the Captain said defensively, arms up and smiling. “Technically, this isn’t a surprise party. It’s more like a surprise cake for our favourite resident pilot.”

“Yeah…we figured you can have your cake and eat it too,” chimed in Commander Cage.

"Besides," Tala added with a smile as he joined the rest of the crew in congregating behind the Captain and Commander. "Cake is eternal."

Aiko laughed at that. It was true that she had been quite adamant about not wanting to make a big deal about her last moments on the Scylax, much to the disappointment of some of her colleagues she suspected.

She did not like big parties, much less one that was centered around her. She already hated the formal parties she was often forced to attend and detested surprise parties even more so.

It would seem however that her comrades had found a loophole.

You’re going to miss this Aiko Hinata Kato. Admit it…


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