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Newton's Third Law Part 2

Posted on Wed Jan 19th, 2022 @ 1:23pm by Lieutenant Aiko Kato

Mission: Respite
Location: Starbase 451

“Imagine my surprise when I saw the Washington was docked on the starbase.”

“You know what they say Tari, it’s such a small galaxy.”

Tari Adin smiled which quickly morphed into a series of chuckles. Even through the display viewer, the sun-kissed freckles that generously covered the security officer’s face was evident. Her curly fiery red hair seemed to make the freckles pop out even more.

It had been such a long time since she had seen the face of her former crewmate and good friend. “How long are you on the station for?” Aiko asked.

“For another two days or so, then I have to catch a transport to Cestus III to link up with the Scylax,” there was a brief pause before Tari continued, her smile tempered somewhat. “You know, it hasn’t been the same without you. Even the Captain I think is a bit broodier with you gone.”

Aiko laughed at the mental image. “That’s because I’m no longer there to put him in his place in a good poker game.”

“There is that,” Tari replied followed by laughter.

“I would love to grab drinks if you are free tonight Tari,” Aiko stated. “I have a flight in the morning to Cait and will likely be gone for a few days, but I don’t want to miss the opportunity to see you in person again.”

“Absolutely,” Tari replied. “Let’s meet in, let’s say an hour? I just have to wrap up some meetings on my end and I’ll send you the details.”

“Sounds like a date,” Aiko replied.

“Talk soon Aiko.”

The communication line ended, and the screen went dark. Aiko rose from her desk still smiling. This vacation was off to a perfect start. She would have the opportunity to connect with an old friend to reminisce about the past and in the morning, travel with a new friend to Cait.

It seemed almost a dream and she was invigorated with excitement and anticipation…

[An Hour Later]

Aiko was in an elegant black dress with a thin gold and red Japanese obi belt wrapped around her lower waist to accentuate her slim but curvy figure. Her hair which was normally worn down and loose was now tied up into a single bun on top of her head. She also wore simple jewelry, two pearl earring studs and a gold necklace with a pearl pendant that hung prominently across her neck and rested on the part of her chest that was tastefully exposed.

It was not often that she dressed out of uniform, and it was even rarer for her to dress so fancifully, but she figured as she was about to start a vacation and enjoy the company of a good friend, she might as well doll herself up.

She realized as she made her away through the starbase that perhaps she might have gone a bit overboard. She seemed to stand out in the crowd and caught quite a few stares, but she took it in stride grinning at the thought that she at least had not lost her touch to command the attention of both men and women.

Aiko soon arrived at the destination Tari had given her. It was a restaurant and judging from the interior design and the atmosphere, it was a fine dining establishment. She could not tell what was on the menu though, but she suspected it would be exquisite. As a foodie, there were very few foods in the universe that disagreed with Aiko’s appetite…or stomach for that matter.

She had barely been waiting a few minutes when she caught sight of Tari Adin. The Betazed security officer was strutting towards her in a simple blue dress. Tari exaggeratingly dropped her jaw at the sight of Aiko.

“Goodness gracious Aiko Hinata Kato!” she exclaimed. “By the stars! "Are you trying to kill somebody in that dress?!” she asked jokingly.

Aiko smiled as she hugged her friend. “The night is young still, but I suppose we shall see,” she retorted as she playfully stuck her tongue out.

“Wow,” Tari replied grinning. “Well, whoever it is, they are one lucky bastard. Also, not such a bad way to go, all things considered.”

“Right?!” Aiko retorted and the two women burst out laughing.

A waiter came out to the pair shortly and after a few words were exchanged, he escorted them into the restaurant and seated them at a table where the two friends reconnected by regaling each other with shared memories of the past, events of the present and their hopes and dreams for the future…

In the shadows– unseen and unheard though physically present- the man watched and observed. He studied his prey, paying particular attention to her words and the details of her story that gave him information about her character, mannerisms and plans. He studied her movements as well, assessing her posture and how it connected to her emotions.

Many in his line of work disregarded little elements like this but they were crucially important details and must never be glossed over, or ignored.

He had already learned a crucial detail that would change the trajectory of his mission. It would make his job even less risky, but it would also make it longer. As a man who took pride in efficiency over speed, his decision on how to proceed had already been made.

It had always been a risky proposition to strike here, on a Federation starbase. While not impossible to carry out his mission on the starbase, it required a taxing level of precision, significant planning and resources...and a little luck. On a planet however, there were multiple options available to him. There were also less complications with a Starfleet officer going missing on a planet than on a starbase.

For one, there were multiple variables that could be attributed to the disappearance of a Starfleet officer on a planet than on a starbase. And the longer it took to eliminate variables, the longer time he had to get away scot-free. Secondly, a planet was less restrictive and controlled than a military installation like Starbase 451 was, which meant a lot more options for coming in and getting out.

The logic in his decision made more sense the more he thought about it. He would hold is hand for now. There was now a better place to strike and so he would wait.

After all, if there were two things Quintus Anatolia was known and widely regarded for within the Orion Syndicate, it was that he was a very prudent and patient man.

Therefore, he would wait to have his encounter with Aiko Kato on Cait and hopefully be able to report back to the company that they had finally struck back at Starfleet...


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