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Posted on Tue Feb 15th, 2022 @ 1:59am by Commander Samantha Howard & Captain Shran dh'Klar

Mission: The Orion Syndicate
Location: Starfleet Medical

"Dr Howard? There's an urgent message coming through for you" the young ensign interrupted the last scenario they were running to test the new disaster protocols. Sam was knee deep in holographic emergency surgery as the reconfigured EMH ran triage and first line treatment.

"Computer pause simulation and save" the scene froze and Sam wiped the blood from her hands onto her uniform as she approached the arch.

A small image of the Federation emblem appeared in the embedded monitor, and was quickly replaced by that of her Captain.

"If you're calling things can't be going well" she mused honestly as she regarded the Andorian on the screen.

"I hate to interrupt your work Samantha, but things have gone from normal to full blown disaster in a hurry, and we haven't even reached Orion yet."

Sam cocked her head sideways and raised an eyebrow. Things were going wrong before the mission? "I'm all ears Captain, tell me what's going on"

"Things started off with us getting our mission. I was fine with it, though I felt a little off with you not here and Jon and Callie both recovering still. It got crazy when I learned that Callie was dealing with what seems like a piece of T'Vall's katra, so I had Jon take her to Vulcan to have that dealt with once and for all. All of that was plenty, and then Dex asked to speak with me. She told me about a bevy of regulation breaches by her and Jon, which was bad enough, and then Dex kissed me after looking like something was going wrong in her head and then she collapsed. I have her being treated in sickbay, but honestly, I feel like things have completely gone topsy turvey."

"Holy geez" Howard swore, and did a few rapid mental calculations as to how quickly she could get back to the ship. "This was the final trial scenario to test our new protocols, I can finish the write-up on the way back to the ship and be on a shuttle within the hour" Sam made up her mind that her friends were more important than the latest round of protocol upgrades. "I should be there in a few hours. Dr Perrin can keep Dex alive until I can get there and figure out what the hell in going on"

Shran tried to remain stoic despite the fact that Samantha was basically doing exactly what he had hoped without him asking and essentially saving his bacon, at least from his perspective. "I'll have a runabout waiting to bring you back to speed your trip. Bless you, you are a true lifesaver."

"I'll see you soon Captain" Sam signed off and closed the channel, turning back to her fellow doctors and making arrangements for them take over any further testing whilst she continued the write up. It appeared she was about to become very busy indeed.


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