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taH pagh taHbe'

Posted on Tue Mar 8th, 2022 @ 9:55am by Lieutenant Ayana Hillis

Mission: The Orion Syndicate
Location: Klingon vessel

Ayana and her team materialized in the engineering section of the the Klingon vessel. Immediately they were under assault by Klingons who viewed them as hostile. Phasers fired and disruptor blasts whizzed by, the sound of combat filled the room. Ayana fired on a Klingon that she saw stabbing one of her men and then quickly dodged as another attempted to impale her on his own blade. She began tangling with this large Klingon, dodging his attempts and then firing on him point blank. After a few minutes of intense fighting they had taken control of the engineering compartment. She looked over at the engineer they had with them, "Go ahead ensign. Time to put them to sleep."

The engineer began working and quickly hooked up the small tank she brought with her to the environmental controls and activated the system, distributing the gas throughout the ship. "Done lieutenant" she said a few minutes later.

Ayana had been tending to her troops, transporting a pair with severe wounds back to the Washington for immediate medical treatment. She looked at her troops, "Hopkins, Green, you stay here with Ensign Tsung and keep control of engineering. Start rounding up these Klingons and make sure they are properly restrained. The rest of us are headed for the bridge. Keep a sharp eye. Just because they are supposed to unconscious doesn't mean they will be. Klingons are resilient, and dangerous when they get their bloodlust."

They moved at speed through the Klingon ship, thankfully dealing with little resistance. Finally they reached the bridge. As they entered the Klingons were beginning to stir. "Stun them all" ordered Ayana. As they began firing the weapons officer pulled his knife and swung it wildly, slashing one of the security troops across the chest. Ayana quickly stunned him and then made her way towards the command chair, spotting her target, Toral. She smiled as she saw him unconscious in the chair, but not wanting to take a chance, she fired her phaser to stun him.

She grabbed his arm and hit her comm badge, =^=Washington, two to transport directly to the brig. Energize.=^= She looked at her troops, "Magnuson take command." As she finished speaking she dematerialized with Toral.

Ayana rematerialized inside the brig with Toral. A pair of security officers were waiting for her and assisted her dump Toral onto a bed and then disarm him before they all stepped out of the cell and activated the security field. She hit her comm badge once again, =^=Ayana to Shran. Mission complete. We have Toral and we control the Klingon ship.=^=


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