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Deal with Tyr-al-tep, the unforgiver and the demon side of Kal-ap-ton

Posted on Tue Aug 23rd, 2022 @ 9:34pm by Ensign T'Plana-hath
Edited on on Fri Sep 2nd, 2022 @ 2:04pm

Mission: A Trip to Middle Earth
Location: Da’kum’Ulcha or T'Plana-hath mind

T’Plana-hath was in the plains that lead to Da’kum’Ulcha, the City of Shadows. She could sense another presence next to her, one that she knew somehow, and brought fear to her.

“Yes child, you know me. We have walked together, you and me. I was the one that whispered in your ears when your family was murdered. I am the one that turned you towards Ket-cheleb, the Destroyer and Blood-Drinker. He led you to your just vengeance against those who murdered your family. I am now demanding you return the favor. Look at me child.”

T’Plana-hath feared to turn her head and look upon the entity that spoke to her, but she felt compelled. She slowly turned her head and beheld a tall, gaunt, and pale young male Vulcan in mourning clothe, carrying a small pouch. T’Plana-hath gasped “You cannot be real. Most Vulcans turned away from veneration of Gods and instead choose to follow the pathway of Logic.” She stated.

The figure smiled at her wanly “Yet here I am, just as I was there when you gave into your grief and when you allowed Ket-cheleb guide you in your vengeance. Do not get me wrong child, you do your name's sake proud; you attempt to ‘ascend from chaos using reason as your guide’ as she would say. You also do Nirak and his philosophy great credit, even when you stumble. Yet you forget that there are still those few Vulcans who venerate us. It is that veneration that still gives us power. Have you not yet seen this fact for yourself with the Komihn, or Humans, and their ancient deities of mythology. Have you not met some of them, and researched them and how to defeat them? This brings me to the Favor I am owed by you,” with this he again smiled wanly “I want you to kill Hel, or Hela, as she presented herself to your companions. She has not finished and will return.”

“Why would you want me to kill Hela, we barely were successful with the being Loki, and as far as I know she has not wronged you in any method I know of.” Asked T’Plana-hath.

Here yet again Tyr-al-tep, the unforgiver and the demon side of Kal-ap-ton, the personification of grief; smiled “Here you are wrong child, she has brought back a child that has VULCAN blood, she is toying with one of VULCAN blood that has grieved the loss of her child which falls into MY PURVIEW.

T'Plana-hath could feel the rage of both aspects, she looked at the being "If you are speaking of Lieutenant Shoniara T'ghann-Travis, she is a Ulef kosh-ves as well as her child that Hel brought back. Why do you care if Hel plays her game with her and the child?"

"As I have said THERE IS VULCAN BLOOD in both of them, therefore they fall under MY PURVIEW."

T'Plana-hath again asked the being "And what of Lieutenant T'ghann-Travis's Risian blood, do not the 'God-like' beings of the Risian have a say in this matter?"

"No, they have no interest in this matter."

T'Plana-hath looked out at Da’kum’Ulcha, "I know I am not truly on Vulcan. I was on the holo deck with the crew. I know I was injured as the safeties on the holo deck were not working. I must be deep in my mind, beyond a healing trance because I expended so much of my psychic energy."

She heard a rasping, hollow laugh "Yes and no child, your physical body lies on the ship, however your Katra is with me on Vulcan. I have brought your Katra here so you may decide whether you will honor the favor owed me or not. Should you choose not to honor your debt I will leave your Katra here at Da’kum’Ulcha, where you have left six katra's and those who Nu'Val massacred with his neutron warheads. If you choose to honor your debt, I will return your Katra to your body and restore your mind. I will also provide you the information to find a special Sword of Sajik, one that the master's created to kill 'God-Like' beings. The time to choose has come; will you honor your debt?"

T'Plana-hath spoke "I will choose to honor my debt."
T'Plana-hath woke with a start. She was lying on a bio bed in sickbay. A star map in her head a whisper in her ear.


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