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Do I know you?

Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 6:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson & Commander Jonathan Grayson

Mission: Living History
Location: Earth
Timeline: A few of hours later


Opening her eyes Callie lay staring at the ceiling for a few moments, raising her head to try and sit up she groaned as her head pounded. Last she remembered she had dived to avoid an automobile, cracking her head as she landed knocking herself unconscious. Question was where was she? And how did she get here?

"Whoa there pretty lady. Take it easy." A voice said as it owner stepped into view. "You took a bump to the head, but I think you'll be alright. No sign of a concussion. How are you feeling?"
As Jon but not Jon looked down at her. He smiled gently at her.

Callie gave the man before her a double take, he looked so much like Jon yet it definitely wasn’t Jon. “I err... I’ve got a headache but apart from that I feel okay.” She looked around. “Where am I?”

"An excellent question. Currently you are at my house, here at Cape Kennedy. By the way, I'm BJ Grayson. the BJ stands for Benjamin Jonathan."

Callie looked at BJ curiously, was it possible he was an ancestor of Jon’s?

“I’m Cassie Rivers” Callie gave BJ a warm smile. “Thank you for helping me, but I really should be going...” she moved to stand up but her head spun making her sit down again. “I have colleagues running an investigation at NASA, I really need to get back to them!”

"It is a pleasure to meet you Cassie. " BJ replied, "Of course the circumstances could have been better." He moved to her side as she sat back down. "Give yourself a few minutes. I don't want to interfere in any government investigation but you need to give yourself a few minutes."

Callie nodded briefly, seeing certificates proudly framed on the wall she gave BJ a smile. “Are you a Doctor? Or a medical officer of some kind?”

BJ shook his head, "No, not a doctor, I'm a first responder, and EMT. I work with the fire department. I had just finished my shift when I saw that car bump you."

Callie nodded. “I ... I think I remember. I told you no hospital, right?”

"That's right Miss. You were very adamant about it." BJ readily agreed.

“I’m sorry, I’m just a nervous patient.” She offered a smile. “I only recently returned to duty, another medical report on my file and I’ll be riding a desk instead of being out in the field. I’m sure you understand.”

BJ laughed in good humor. "I totally understand. No need to explain. Who wants to be stuck behind a desk when all the action is going on outside."

Callie nodded. “Exactly! Did anyone see us go? I’m just wondering if my colleagues saw what happened.” She could only hope Jon and the others would be able to wait for her to return.

"I'm not sure Cassie but if they are federal agents like you are then I imagine they have a manhunt looking for you. We, or rather I need to get you reunited with them." BJ answered.

Callie nodded. “I would appreciate that, thank you BJ. You’ve been very kind helping me.”

"You are welcome Cassie. Everything would be so much easier if people just took some time to help each other." BJ said with a smile.

“That’s true” Callie nodded and offered a smile. She was feeling a little queasy but at the stage of her pregnancy that wasn’t surprising. “Could I trouble you for a glass of cold water please?”

"No trouble at all." BJ answered as he went into the kitchen and returned a few minutes later with a glass. "Here you go Cassie." He said handing the class to her.

“Thank you” She sipped the water, it was so refreshing to have cold fresh water rather than the water given out by the ship’s replicators. “So... how soon do you think we’ll be able to head back to NASA?”

"You are welcome Cassie. As to when we can get back to NASA, anytime you like. You've passed concussion protocol. So you are good to go, just take it easy for the next couple of days and check with your doctor." BJ replied.

Callie offered a warmer smile. “That’s wonderful, I’ve no doubt my colleagues will be relieved to know I’m alright. I’d appreciate it if you could help me get back there?”

"Certainly Cassie. Just let me get my keys and we can go in my SUV. We're only a short distance from the main NASA building."

Callie nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, the sooner she was back with Jon the better. “That’s wonderful, thank you.”

BJ nodded went to get his keys and came back a few seconds later. "Now, let's get you back to your friends before they call out the national guard to search for you."

Little did he know there’d be no national guard at all, but Callie offered a smile. “That sounds good to me.”



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