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Posted on Thu Apr 20th, 2023 @ 8:59am by Captain Shran dh'Klar & Commander Jonathan Grayson

Mission: Unknown Colony
Location: USS Washington

Shran had been on the bridge for some time as the ship orbited the planet and the crew handled their various tasks. Sam and Shon remained on the planet looking at the medical facilities and studying the various diseases that were being dealt with in the colony. Callie and Seth were with the delegates assisting them with reconnecting them with Earth. Deanna and T'Plana were scanning and analyzing every particle of space in the system and on the planet to learn everything they could, and Deanna had reported some interesting information, but it mostly led to more questions. Very little of what was going on felt routine, and he was certain Jon felt the same, though he hadn't spoken to him since having him give the delegates a tour of the ship.

Jon had left Piper and Paige in the crew's mess with security. To let them try the replicator and it's selection of food choices. After that he made his way to the captain's ready room to speak with him on their guests. In Jon's mind he had more questions than answers and he wanted Shran's take as well. Something just did not seem right with their guests.

Shran entered his ready room with Jon to give his XO the privacy to voice himself. "Callie informs me our guests enjoyed the tour and are enjoying the replicator and its options. What is on your mind?"

Jon nodded, "they were very impressed with the ship and all of technology that goes with it. They also like the replicator. They are like kids, thinking up one think after another for it to replicate. However that's not why I'm here sir. I can't help but think we're missing something. Something just doesn't seem right to me."

"You aren't the only person who has expressed that. Shon seems to have similar reservations. Deanna and Callie from my understanding however haven't detected anything to justify that from them. I will admit that the situation is strange, but my sense is that the issue is with these Kilrathi. I don't understand how they could have visited Earth centuries ago and yet we have never encountered them, nor heard of them." Shran shifted a bit, "What bothers you about them, the situation?"

Jon didn't hesitate in giving his answer. "It just seems to pat sir. For every question they have an answer. A very convenient answer. I just think we're be...."

Suddenly the red alert klaxons sounded. Shran looked at Jon and then walked back out to the bridge. "Report."

"We have an unidentified vessel that has appeared from the far side of the local star. Based on information provided by Lt Cmdr Celes, I believe the vessel may be Kilrathi. The ship is traveling at one quarter impulse, not reading active weapons or shields."

Shran looked at Jon, "It would appear we will get an opportunity to see these Kilrathi up close." He looked to L'Rissa, "Break orbit, intercept course. I'd prefer to meet them as far away from the planet as possible."

Jon nodded. "Maybe get some answers as well." He replied as he followed Shran onto the bridge.

"Full scan of the unidentified vessel, and try hailing them." Shran looked to Jon, "Let's see if we can get you some of those answers."

"Captain, they appear to be launching fighters and they have raised primitive shields and powered weapons. They seem to have plasma cannons and high yield torpedoes, though the torpedoes seem to be similar to what we used in the early 22nd century" said the ensign at tactical.

"Raise our shields and bring the weapons online. Establish targeting locks on the fighters just in case." Jon said without hesitation.

"Fighters moving in on an attack vector. They are firing."\

The plasma rounds came in on an erratic path, almost like from a minigun. Some of the plasma shots missed and others impacted the shields. Shran looked to the tactical officer, "Damage?"

"Shields took several impacts, but damage was minimal, functioning at 99%" replied the tactical officer.

"They don't stand much of a chance against us if that is the best they can do" he said as he looked at Jon.

"Agreed. I think they need a not to subtle wake call on who their dealing with sir. Say a phaser volley at 50 percent against their forward shields and engines. You know just to get their attention." Jon answered decisively with a wicked grin on his face.

"Make it so" ordered Shran.

The Washington fired phaser, impacting the Kilrathi main vessel in multiple locations. Explosions could be seen, though not enough to destroy the vessel.


"Main vessel has lost shields, engines are down, forward batteries are destroyed. They have several hull breaches. They are essentially crippled."

"Are they responding to hails?"

"No sir."

Shran looked at Jon, "Perhaps we should bring the bridge crew over for a chat. I suspect they have no knowledge of transporter technology."

Jon nodded, "Absolutely. Though I think a security team should also be present with their phasers on heavy stun. Let these Kilrathi see and know who they are dealing with."

"Agreed" Shran replied. "Take charge of that. Let's see these Kilrathi up close."


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Comments (2)

By Ensign J.B Dersch on Thu Apr 20th, 2023 @ 9:15am

This Is gonna be a Inserting Meet!

By Ensign J.B Dersch on Thu Apr 20th, 2023 @ 9:15am

Interesting-Sorry Spell check put the wrong one