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Time to reflect

Posted on Thu Jan 25th, 2024 @ 4:56am by Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson

Mission: Hard Earned Peace
Location: Quarters
Timeline: Current

With the peace talks completed, and the news that had filtered from Sickbay that Shon was in labour, Callie made her way home to put her feet up for a well earned rest. For now there was little she could do for Shon, she was in good hands.

Replicating a drink and a small plate of food, Callie made herself comfortable on the sofa she could only imagine how she'd be feeling if Hela had taken one of her twins. Propping herself up with a cushion for more comfort she picked up her plate politely tucking into the salad selection she'd chosen.

Jon had been right at the gathering, she was starting to get fed up with the aching back, swollen ankles and muscle aches that accompanied carrying twins, but she was in no hurry to give birth. The twins would arrive when they were ready to do so, and as long as they were healthy that was what was important. Plus the whole idea of giving birth was a scary one, as a Counsellor she knew that was a normal thing that all mothers to be worried about.

Then there was Harry, she was sure he'd make a wonderful big brother, she just didn't want him to feel left out in any way. It was all a worry but she was sure it would all work out in the end. For her this pregnancy was nothing short of a miracle, having suffered a miscarriage with hers and Jon's first child many years ago.

Finishing off her small plate of salad, she picked up her drink and sipped it before deciding to take a short nap. Right now her energy levels were in the floor, so rest was all important. She could hear Sam now telling her to get as much rest as she needed, speaking of which she needed to drop in for her regular check up.

Getting comfortable she rested her head on a cushion. "Computer set an alarm for 1 hour and 15 minutes." She waited for acknowledgment before closing her eyes, it didn't take long before she was drifting off to sleep.



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