A shoulder to cry on
Posted on Wed Jan 24th, 2024 @ 7:47pm by Lieutenant Commander Shoniara T’ghann-Travis MD & Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson
Hard Earned Peace
Location: Sickbay
Walking into Sickbay Callie looked around for Shon, seeing her in one of few occupied beds she offered a gentle smile as she approached her friend's bedside. "Hi Shon, how are you?"
Shon smiled grimly. “Callie, I have been better. Things are very dark at the moment and I don’t know what to do. I thought that life was finally going to be good.”
Callie nodded as she pulled up a seat and sat down next to Shon's bed. "I know, Shran told me what Hela wants. I'm sorry Shon, I know how you feel."
Shon’s face became hard. “I’m sorry Callie but you don’t know!” She exclaimed watching her friend try to comfort her. “Nothing you can say can help me to prepare for this…to feel so helpless and responsible for Seth not having both his children.” Then, something appeared to move within Shon, slowly at first it became an ache and then a searing pain.” She grabbed Callie’s arm. “There’s something wrong….inside. Then she felt the hot flush of blood from inside. I must complete the Cal n’ orath ritual before this happens.”
"Ritual? I've never heard of that ritual" Callie gave her friend a worried look. "What do you need to do Shon? what can I do for you?"
Shon relaxed somewhat. “Callie the Cal n’orath is a ritual pregnant Vulcan women do when their birth are premature. The ritual retains the pregnancy inside. I WILL not let Hela take my child.” She looked at her friend pleadingly. “Please go to our quarters and bring me the blue lamp and Puss. It is urgent I feel them move and it is not time. Please….”
Callie nodded. "I'll do everything I can to help you Shon, but know that I won't put your life in danger." she placed her hand on Shon's shoulder before turning and heading for Shon's quarters.
~ A little while later ~
Returning to Shon, Callie brought the blue lamp and Puss along with her. "I'm back Shon, I brought your lamp."
Shon smiled at her friend. “Callie I am trying to retain the pregnancy. It is too early and I do not want Hela to have our little boy.” She indicated the lamp. This is part of a very old Vulcan ritual to halt the birthing process. It has been used for century’s by Vulcan women who have problems with premature birth.” She grabbed Callie’s arm. “Can you imagine if it was one of your babies….I am sure you would do the same.”
Callie offered a reluctant nod. “Only if it was what was best for my babies, and no risk to their or my own health.”
Shon lit the lamp looking at Puss who sat by her side. A shudder of contraction ran through her as she began the ritual. “Cal n’ orath na sic das Louth,” she continued to repeat as her body relaxed and her eyes rolled back. The contractions stopped and the hand she was gripping Callie with fell to her side.
Callie was quick to call for help, what was happening wasn’t good. She could only hope Shon would be alright.