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A Surprise for Callie (Backpost)

Posted on Wed Jun 26th, 2024 @ 8:40am by Lieutenant Commander Callie Raven-Grayson & Commander Jonathan Grayson

Mission: The Andromeda Strain
Location: Jon & Callie's Quarters
Timeline: Prior to Liaisons

Jon had been busy. He had a secret that he was trying to keep from Callie. It wasn't one he was ashamed of on the contrary, he was quite proud. It was made especially hard due to Callie's telepathic abilities. Not that she would read his thoughts, no, he was worried that his happiness would 'bleed' out and Callie would pick up the stray thought and that would get her curiosity going and questions would follow. So he used the tricks she had taught him to shield his thoughts from her. He hated keeping things from her, but this was a special. Their anniversary was approaching, and he had been busy arranging a special dinner and evening for Callie.

Flowers had been arranged, champagne as well which was currently chilling in the Ten Forward refrigerator. items for Callie's special meal were also stored in Ten Forward's freezer. All was going to plan, just a few more days before he could surprise her.

Callie entered through the doors as she returned from her office, she’d only been there for a couple of hours catching up but even that had proved more tiring than she’d expected. “Honey I’m home!” She let out a relieved sigh as she kicked off her shoes sat down on the sofa.

Jon came from the kitchen. "Hi sweetie, how was your day?" He asked as he placed a kiss softly on her lips.

Returning Jon’s kiss Callie smiled. “It was long and dare I say edging on arduous. I’m completely shattered! Which is odd to say considering all I’ve been doing is sitting down, it’s not like I have to run around, or crawl through Jeffries tubes or anything!”

Jon smiled at her comment. "Sitting takes a lot of effort Callie even more now with the babies." Jon offered, "Put your feet up and relax. I'll fix you a nice cool tall glass of fruit punch."

Callie nodded and smiled. “What would I do without you to look after me?”

"You would be in a fix for sure." Jon replied with a grin as he went to get Callie's fruit drink. He returned few minutes later with it and a tray of cheese and crackers. "Thought you might be hungry as well Callie."

“Thank you, I most certainly am, or rather we are!” Callie grinned as she sat up properly to eat her food. “Grab a seat” She tapped the sofa next to her before picking up the glass of fruit juice and taking a sip.

"Be glad to." Jon replied as he sat down next to her and reached for a cheese wedge. "You have American, Cheddar, Swiss, Provolone and Colby Jack. A nice choice."

“It most certainly is!” Callie smiled as she politely tucked in, she was permanently hungry of late her body compensating for feeding two extra mouths.

Jon nodded, "How are you feeling otherwise Callie? I mean beside being tired and hungry?"

“Besides? Okay I guess, it’s just...” Callie paused. “When Shon ran my latest Medical there was a look on her face for a moment...” she shook it off. “It’s probably nothing, just me being silly.”

"What Callie? And what Callie? And I don't want to hear about you being silly. Talk to me Callie." Jon urged his wife.

“I don’t know Imzadi, she didn’t say!” Callie sighed. “The look, it was like there was something wrong that Shon didn’t want to say, but it could just be me reading something that wasn’t there.”

"If there was something wrong, Shon wouldn't keep it from you Callie. It's her obligation and duty to tell you if something is wrong." on answered giving her a light hug. "Don't read too much into her reaction. she has had a lot going on."

Callie nodded and offered a smile. “You’re right, I’m just reading things into it that aren’t there, letting my own fears get to me.”

Jon hugged her again. "Callie, you aren't alone in this. Just relax or try to. You don't need to give yourself any undue stress."

Callie nodded. “I know, I’m just worrying for worrying’s sake” she offered a smile.

"Well stop it. It gives you worry lines." Jon teased lightly. "It seems to me, there is a big day coming up soon or am I wrong?"

Callie paused before giving Jon a surprised look. “Our wedding anniversary! I almost forgot!, how could I forget!?” She shook her head but smiled anyway. “11 years already.”

Jon chuckled at Callie's look. Yes indeed, we've made it through 11 years and counting my darling. Still going strong and we have a family as well."

“Just like we always dreamed” Callie smiled and nodded. “I’m glad they messed up our divorce papers all those years ago, I really am!”

Jon beamed at her. "Truer words were never spoken Callie. The divorce papers being screwed is the best decision that was never made."

Callie grinned. “The twins are a miracle that I never thought would happen, and with Harry too we have the family I’ve always dreamed of.”

Jon gave Callie an answering smile. "This proves dreams do come true and I am very grateful that they do."

“You and me both” Callie smiled warmly. “So what shall we do to celebrate?”

Jon grinned at her, "Leave that to me. I have it all taken care of."

Callie gave Jon a surprised look. “Already!?” She smiled. “I can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned.”

Jon chuckled at Callie's exuberance. "Well, you are going to just have to wait a little longer Callie, but I think it will be worth the wait." Jon finished cryptically.

“Of that I’m sure!” Callie grinned. “Your surprises are always worth the wait.”

"Oh, what a buildup. I hope this one is worth the wait Callie." Jon answered with a huge smile.

“I never doubt you Imzadi” Callie grinned. “Either way it’ll be special just being with you.”

"You say the sweetest things Callie and being with you is a treasure undo itself. Though I do think you will like what is coming." Jon replied, his eyes twinkling with delight.

“No giving away any secrets then!” Callie grinned. “Besides I need to organise something for you.”

Jon shook his head, "Callie, no you don't. me being married to you is the greatest gift I could ever want or receive." He replied, kissing her softly.

Callie returned Jon’s kiss, he was her world, her entire universe alongside their children. “As you are mine Imzadi.”

Jon smiled and hugged her. He was quiet for a moment before he looked into her eyes and said with quiet intensity, "I love you Callie."

“I love you too Jon, I always have.” Callie smiled giving Jon a smile that said it all.

His smile was brilliant at Callie's reply. Life din't get any better than this.


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