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Temporal Preparations

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 4:53am by Ensign Torog Zakhov

Mission: The Andromeda Strain
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: Current

The word had come down from the powers that be, that the USS Washington would be dealing with Temporal Anomalies. Bot the Chief Engineer and Assistant Chief Engineer had let it be known that an Akira Class Vessel, The USS Spector, was already missing following contact with these Anomalies. At the engineers brief the Chief had not so subtly emphasised the point that they did not want to be out done by the engineers onboard the USS Andromeda, a Prometheus class starship, that was joining the Washington. The chief had made a passing, waving comment that the engineers onboard the Prometheus, probably would fall apart as much as their class of starship split apart. They had all chuckled a bit at that now.

Torog now stood with the rest of his small engineering team around the central desk console in main engineering. The LCARS display made familiar beeping noises as his clawed hand tapped away at the console. A holographic display appeared about half a foot above the surface of the touch screen desk.
It glowed a paled blue as Torog scratched his beard thoughtfully.

"Ok. Our job is add this part..." as he spoke, he zoomed in to show a small silver sphere with various wires and isolinear circuits. "to all the sensor arrays on the Washington. According to the boys in blue collars, it should enhance our sensors ability to detect chroniton particles, which might give us a small edge in detecting temporal anomalies. Don't ask me how it works. I don't know and I don't care" finished the Tellarite in his gruff manner.

"It is however our job to know how to install it." His clawed hands lightly tapped the touch screen LCARS display, and the holographic display changed to a series of schematics. "When accessing your array, use a jefferies tube and access panel Alpha, Mike, Tango, One, One. Us a sonic spanner to remove this section of the plasma conduit. Then use a phase inducer to hold the flow and use a S-9 graf unit with stem bolt connect...." Torog stopped and frowned a moment. "Do we even have a name for this thing yet?" He said grumpily, whilst pointing at a picture of the sphere part. The rest team gave him blank looks and shakes of heads.

"Lets call them Dragees" laughed a non-commissioned senior engineer, a Bolian with flecks of grey in his bifurcated face ridge. "What's that then" asked Torog. The Bolian looked bemused "a hard earth sweet. Some of which comes in small silver balls." That made Torog chortle and belly move.

"Ok" Started Torog again "use a phase inducer to hold the flow and use a S-9 graf unit with stem bolt to connect the Dragrees to the sensor emitter junction and re-route the wave conductor to the coolant matrix of your section. Dont forget to make sure you close it all up again and double check your work with your tricorders....and remember right tool for the right job. Dismissed"

The engineering team began to scatter to the wind. Torog thoughtfully pressed a couple more icons on the touch screen LCARS display. "Computer. Display Schematics of the Akira Class Starfleet Vessel."

"Confirmed" responded the computer in her flat yet suspiciously chirpy tone. The image of the Akira class began to slowly spin above the central console. The ships computer had began to reel off the schematics. But Torog wasn't really listening. He was worried. He was worried that an Akira class, which was basically a battleship, in all but name, had manged to go missing. He scratched his beard. The Washington was a Sovereign Class, that gave them an edge, it was more geared to exploration then flat out combat, and in this case, it could be the ships saving grace, with its additional science labs, sensors and shields. But still. Torog couldn't shake the feeling that things were going to get rough.


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