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Update from 2i/c

Posted on Sat Jun 8th, 2024 @ 7:29pm by Lieutenant Ayana Hillis & Lieutenant Imik S'Niohun

Mission: Man & Machine
Location: Phaser control
Timeline: Present


Imik had used the internal sensors to find Ayana, this was one person she should have spoken to when she first came onboard but hadn't. This was as far as an Ojnas was concerned, an insult. This being the case she entered the area with a box of chocolates and a card, her research had stated this was an acceptable apology. "Lieutenant Hillis, I wish to speak with you. Can you inform me of our present situation?"

Ayana looked up from her tricorder and slowly made her way out of the Jeffries tube. "How can I assist you lieutenant?"

"First I must apologize to you for not communicating with you when I first arrived, please accept this small gift from me for that error." She held out the chocolates and card, "Secondly the captain has informed me that you continued to head Security while I was incapacitated, for that I must also thank you."

Imik now bowed to Ayana, standing upright she now looked at her 2i/c. "I now need you to relate the present Security and Tactical situation in relation to this vessel. I am sure you understand that as Chief of the department I need to know what the current situation relating to our vessel is at this time."

Ayana took the gifts graciously. "I was just doing my job lieutenant. This wasn't necessary, but I do thank you for them. As for the situation at hand, we have defeated the machines on the planet. I am simply handling the maintenance on this phaser as it became slightly misaligned during the planetary assault, otherwise all tactical systems are fully functional. Lt Cmdr Celes had some items brought aboard for study, which are currently berthed in cargo bay 2. She had requested Ens Phoenix to coordinate the security and we have done so. While she and a few other senior officers are currently on the surface collecting biological samples, we have made preparations for their return. My understanding is that we will have the leaders of the planet's human population returning to assist in some of the analysis." Ayana offered a small smile to let her superior know she was done talking.

As Ayana talked, Imik nodded and tried to corollate the information into priority. "Cargo bay 2, just what is being held there and can it pose a problem to the vessel?" She then listened to what was planned, "Biological samples, what kind of biological samples? And this analysis with the Humans, do you have an agenda on what maybe discussed at the meeting?"

The Ojnas looked at her 2i/c, "Lieutenant Hillis, I hope we can work together and become friends. I require you to keep doing exactly what you are doing, as I will take time to catch up with events." Imik smiled and held out her hand, "I will leave you to finish your work here, I am returning to the bridge. If you require me to assist you, simply contact me."

"Deanna was somewhat tightlipped regarding the material in the cargo bay. I think that was done purposely. Ens Phoenix did mention they had found a device that emitted chronometric particles, as well as a liquid metallic substance with memetic properties" she replied directly. "As for the bio samples, I can't say with certainty. Sam is gathering samples for medical research, Deanna and Inara are gathering samples for different scientific purposes. I believe the biological samples Deanna and Inara are gathering are native animal life. I suspect they want to determine how the native species survive and evolve based on the above average radiation native to this planet."

Ayana gave a very serious look to Imik as the Ojnas spoke. "I look forward to working with you. I worked with the last Ojnas that served here, Sachzny. She was an excellent officer, and I am sure you are as well. I suspect we will have a feeling out period, but you'll only get my best, I can promise you that. I'll get this work completed and then check with you on the bridge."


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