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Happiness is as Happiness Does

Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2024 @ 4:15pm by Lieutenant JG Kate Kono & Lieutenant JG Benjamin "Ben" Dalton

Mission: Man & Machine
Location: Shared Quarters
Timeline: After Promotion Party

Ben was in the quarters he and Kate shared. He was busy setting up a private party for to celebrate her promotion. He couldn't go to the big party as he was on duty in the Intel office, but he wanted to do something for Kate to show her he cared and was happy and proud for her.

He had set some candles on the small table and had wine chilling in the portable cooler. He also had gotten some food for them. A shrimp ring along with some various cheese and crackers. Now, he just waited for Kate to walk through the door.

Kate stepped into her quarters to see the setup and she looked around and smiled. She knew Ben had gotten off of his shift only recently and she hated that he couldn't have been ther for the party. But it looks like he set up a party for her on the way back and she was very glad she took the anti-intoxication pills after the whole rum incident with the Karaoke. She was still sweaty from all the dancing and running around, and -- singing she did. When she saw Ben, she was afraid she was too discheveled for his liking.

After everything that happened though, the parties and her caring close friend were a much needed retreat from what she was used to and she admitted to herself that, despite the fact that their romantic journey's so far were just confined to holonovels and their characters, but she was really starting to take a liking to Ben. She smiled as she found him in the quarters.

"Wow! Thanks!" Despite smelling slightly of alcohol and sweat, she still hugged him. "Kind of makes me want to go to the hoodeck again! You're so sweet! How are you?" Kate asked as she walked into the bathroom portion of the quarters. She pulled a drawer open to grab a fresh unifrom as she flipped the sonic shower on. "Sorry for my -- smelliness hehe. Just getting cleaned up real quick."

Kate just left the door open to talk since they already have seen everything there was to see thanks to their Spy Campaign on the holodeck. She kicked everything off and reclaiemd it back in the pattern replicator in the bathroom as she stepped into the shower.

"I totally tried to get Inara to have a good time but I don't know how well it worked. Wish you could have been there."

Ben looked as the doors to the quarters hissed open and Kate walked in. he smiled broadly at her. "Hiya Kate." He greeted her as he went to her and hugged her, He pulled back a bit and looked at her, to him she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen despite being slightly sweaty as well as in disarray. Her personality was bright and bubbly and slightly off the wall but it made her all the more endearing to him.

"Of course we'll go to the holodeck Kate, we have more holodeck adventures awaiting us.' He answered a huge smile on his face.

He followed her into the bathroom and stood in the doorway as Kate stripped off her uniform and entered the shower. There were no secrets between them. As she stepped into the shower, he asked. "Inara? Oh, the science chief. I heard she's an odd one but I'm glad you like her. I hope she knows she has a friend in you."

He looked with approval at her slender, attractive frame. What had started as being friends and progressed to good friends as was still moving forward. "I have some wine and some snacks for us." He stated.

Kate skipped getting dressed and just jumped right into his arms suddenly while laughing.

"I noticed that! Thank you! You must have really had to rush to get all that set up right after you got off shift." Kate gave him a hug and kept smiling. "I hope so too. There's a whole bunch of people onboard that are trying to cheer her up and let her know she's wanted. But -- I dont know how well she notices." Kate said as she almost walked half way to the table before forgetting she had to go back and put something on. She crossed her eyes playfully as she darted back for the bathroom.

Ben chucked as Kate jumped into his arms au natural. Her soft skin rubbing his arms. "I did have to hurry some but I managed to get it done because I wanted you to know I cared and I was happy for you. You deserve this Kate." He said honestly. He laughed as she crossed her eyes and dashed back to the bathroom. "You know um, you don't have to put anything on, I mean if you don't want to." A blush slowing climbing up his cheeks.

Kate stopped and spun around after placing her hands on her hips and playfully dancing from side to side.

"If that's what you want," Kate stuck her tongue out at him jokingly and walked over to Ben. "At least this snack party doesn't have a dress code." Kate went back to hugging Ben. "Thanks foe surprise snack party." She said happily.

Ben stood there looking not staring at Kate as she stood in front of him. her hands on her hips She was extremely free spirited and exceptionally happy. "No dress code for this party and I am glad to see you don't have a problem with it. As for the surprise party you are welcome."

"You know... If you ever wanted to get all wild and crazy and such -- when not pretending to be holodeck characters, I'm totally cool with that. I mean, if you like me that way." Kate winked and smiled at him while biting her bottom lip playfully. "... I mean... As long as it's allowed... DO you know if we're allowed to?" Kate picked a PADD off of the desk and read over the rules. "... this stuff is so confusing." She stood there scratching her jet black hair and dancing to music that didn't even exist. "It'd suck if we couldn't but I think we can." Her dark almond eyes researched the regulations. "We ARE on different shifts... so..."

It was obvious she was hopful that they could even though Ben hadn't even given her an answer yet.

Ben's face split into a huge smile at hearing Kate's suggestion. "Really?" He asked. "That's great! I can totally get all wild and crazy when not being my holodeck character." He shook his head as she stood there dancing in the nude. "Of course we can um, you know, what you were looking up. We're adults. Its allowed. I just didn't know how you felt. Of course I'm to blame for that as I hadn't asked. But I'm thrilled you aren't upset." He blabbered. As he stood there Ben was sure he was falling in love with Kate.

Kate jumped up happily as soon as Ben said pretty much that he liked her. She flung the PADD across the room and grabbed his arm to tug him toward her bedroom.

"Okay! Just checking becuase I didn't want to do anything you didn't to. And according to the regs, it says that two officers in the same department are smashable as long as the shifts are different so lets smash."

Kate pulled him through the doors and they closed behind them both.

Ben couldn't help but smile at Kate's excitement. She made him happy and just feel good. "Oh, you aren't twisting my arm Kate believe me. I want this." he answered as she grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bedroom. As the doors closed he leaned toward her and kissed her, well her cheek as Kate's was looking straight ahead. "I think this is the start of something wonderfully special." He whispered to her.

"Yep!" Kate giggled...

*Scene fade to black so it doesn't get all crazy*


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