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Sneaking Out

Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2024 @ 1:36pm by Lieutenant JG James Phoenix

Mission: Man & Machine
Location: USS Washington
Timeline: Current

After he snuck out of the promotion party, James strolled through the Washington's corridors until he reached his quarters. After strolling in he made the decision to change his clothes as Beta Shift wouldn't be for another 12 hours and he was still in his uniform.

The Lieutenant switched from his uniform to his off duty attired, consisting of grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. After he changed, he picked up a replicated copy of "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" before stopping himself. The book had been recommended to him by a friend before Alpha Three. He had just found the time to read it, but was this really how he wanted to celebrate his promotion outside of the party?

Instead, James stood up and moved over to the replicator and pressed a few buttons. Seconds later a bottle of Saurian Vodka Synthehol appeared. Wasn't the real thing, but better than nothing. He picked up the bottle and left his quarters.

A few minutes later he found himself in front of Ash's new quarters. He tapped the chime and waiting for a few moments before the doors slid open to reveal his best friend.

"Hey" she said first. "Shouldn't you be at a promotion party or something?"

James shrugged. "Started getting out of hand. I'd rather celebrate with my best friend."

Ash quipped "Now don't get all mushy on me."

James chuckled before indicating to the door. "May I come in?" he smiled.

"You don't have to ask. I certainly didn't" she laughed before her gaze fixed on the bottle James had brought. "What did you bring."

James rose the bottle up slightly. "Replicated Saurian Vodka Synthehol. Not quite the real thing, but better than nothing."

"You are right. But what if I said I had the real thing?" Ash grinned.

"How-?" James started before Ash interrupted.

"Nabbed it from ten forward after a shift of tending to the bar"

"Wait, you're working on the Washington, I thought you were just on leave?" James asked as the pair started to walk into the room.

Ash replied, "I am. Just decided to pick up a shift to help out a bit. I might see if I can pick up more shifts as a more permanent thing while I'm here."

James took a seat on the couch and sat the synthehol bottle on the ground beside him while Ash went to fetch the real thing.

Ash knelt down to where her liquor cabinet was in search of the real thing.

James raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "You still put your drinks in the lower cabinets?"

"Of course I do. Makes life way easier."

"Cause you're short?" James smirked.

"Rude" Ash retaliated before finding the bottle and grabbing it. She stood up and walked over to the couch and set the bottle. Before she sat down, she slapped James playfully for his quip.


"Get over it" she teased before cracking open the alien vodka and taking a sip. She handed the bottle to her friend before speaking again. "Seriously though, congrats on the promotion. You really deserved it, especially after all you've been through."

James smiled. "Thanks. I guess I did" he took a sip of the vodka.

"You really did" Ash said honestly.

After that the pair chatted for a while. A few hours later, the bottle was dry and the two were decently tipsy but not completely gone.

"So..." James slurred a bit. "What is it you do in Starfleet?"

"Classified" Ash said slowly. "Even for my cute best friend."

"Cute? Since when?"

Ash laughed. "Since always."

"And we are talking about the same person?"

"Jesus James, of course I'm talking about you. I'm not just saying that" she got serious.

James smiled. "I'm not the only one who is either" he said slyly.

"What? Seriously?"

"Mhmm" James said.

The two fell silent for a few moments before Ash moved closer to James, to the point where she was leaning against him. Something that wasn't abnormal for how close they were, but given the context, not common either. James threw his arm around her and they sat in silence for a few moments.

James felt is eyes getting heavy and he turned to Ash who was also starting to feel a bit sleepy. "You too?"

"Yeah" she yawned before turning to look at him. "I missed this."

"Me too" he returned the look.

Something drew Ash to move closer to James, and before she knew it she reached and pulled him into a small kiss. James didn't pull away. They were only broken when Ash pushed him away quietly. "Night" she said before she quickly fell into a deep slumber while leaning on his arm."

That had taken him by surprise, but he didn't question it. It would have been sooner or later before feelings were caught anyway. Maybe not? Maybe it was the alcohol? James soon followed and fell asleep himself. Maybe it wasn't nothing?


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