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To Absent but Never Forgotten Friends

Posted on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 8:18pm by Commander Jonathan Grayson

Mission: The Andromeda Strain
Location: Grayson Family Quarters
Timeline: After Another Sachzny?

Jon was alone in Grayson family quarters. Callie was out, probably either in her office and harry was in school. He went into his office and closed the door. Walking over to his desk he sat down. He took some deep cleansing breaths, cleared his mind and thought of Sachzny, how much he missed her and how much she meant to him. *Sachzny. Its Jon. I hope I haven't popped in at a bad time. But I needed to talk to you.* He said via the link then felt silly. Of course Sachzny would know it was him. He was the only human she had a link with.

*Sachzny.* He went on, *I met Imik your kinsman. She is very nice. She reminds me of you even if she does drink chocolate milkshakes!" he laughed as he thought it. "However, there is only one Sachzny. My dear, dear friend Sachzny. Do you know how much I miss you? Our talks, having milkshakes together. I hope you are doing well my friend and that you are happy. If you are happy then I am happy. You deserve to be happy Sachzny. I plan on visiting your world in the near future and I am formally putting in my request for a personal guided tour of your world. A guided tour by you.*

*Essie was sent back to Earth in stasis and her condition hasn't changed." His thoughts sad but brightened as he thought his next. "However, Callie a lady I knew at the academy and who I married then thought divorced his here on the ship. Isay thought divorced as I found out the papers were lost, So, we are still married. We realize we truly do love each other and to top that, Callie is pregnant with twins. Can you believe it? I'm going to talk to Callie about you being their aunt Sachzny,* He smiled at the thought of Sachzny being his children's aunt. He knew beyond the shadow od a doubt that Sachzny would shower them with love but also be firm when she needed to be.

He smiled brilliantly as he said his next. *N'Sachzny P'Glosho. you are my friend, you are my best friend and part of my family. Never forget how much you are loved my dear, dear friend. I will talk with you again, very soon.*


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