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Forget Me Not

Posted on Wed Jul 24th, 2024 @ 12:04am by Lieutenant JG James Phoenix

Mission: The Andromeda Strain
Location: North Ridge, Washington
Timeline: September 1st, 2024

A young Ashlynn Regan and a young James Phoenix sat in front of the television early in the morning, when the rain was still clattering down at a fast pace in the typical Pacific Northwest fashion. The pair were drawn to the 'Breaking News' report that occupied the tv.

BREAKING NEWS! We are just getting reports in of an apparent riot in Sanctuary District A in San Fransisco. While the report from our sister station was vague, we do have a report that the riot was sparked from a fight between a guard and a dim. However that is all the report suggested. We will return to your screens once we have more news on the situation.

"Jesus..." James muttered under his breath. "What has this world come to?" He asked rhetorically.

Ash looked at James and then back at the remote control, which was on the sofa in between the two friends. She picked it up and pressed the off button. Seconds later, the tv screen went dark.

"Hey now..." James complained. "The news report just finished anyways."

"But they'll be back. For once I'd like to ignore the hell that is this world" Ash said.

James sighed. "You're not wrong. Any ideas on what to do now?"

Ash shrugged, unsure what to do. Clearly she hadn't thought that far ahead. Neither had James.

The two sat for a few minutes in silence before James had a muse. "What if we went for a drive?"

Ash snorted playfully. "In what? A soap box racer? Both our cars are in the shop."

James had a grin on his face as he pulled out a key-chain with a basic, small metal key that had a small horse engraved on it.

"Wait the 68' Fastback?" Ash asked excitedly. "I thought it wasn't finished?"

"Still has some kinks that needs to be worked out. But they needed someone to drive her and make sure everything is working fine and since I didn't have a car... Well you can sorta guess."

James rose from the couch and started towards the door to the garage. He slightly cracked it open before looking back. "Do you want to go for a drive?" He asked to confirm.

"Do I want to go for a drive?" Ash mocked before smiling. "Of course I do" she said before following him out.

Minutes later the garage door opened and the Mustang's engine roared to life with James behind the wheel and Ash in the passenger seat. He rested his right hand on the shifter and put the car into first before slowly letting off the clutch the car started rolling and then they were off, with no particular destination.

The car ride had been relatively silent for the past few hours, with the pair just enjoy each other's company. They had been driving the back roads of Washington state, which was mostly just trees, with little farmland. If they had ventured to Central Washington, there would be even more farmland. The roads were windy, perfect for a drivers car like a classic Mustang.

Eventually James looked down at the gauges and saw the fuel gauge to be near the 'E'. He knew where they were, and there was a small gas station coming up. He also knew that they couldn't wait to fill up until afters since the car being a Mustang meant gasoline would be consumed more. A few minutes passed and James let off the gas and rolled the car into the fuel station, which only had two pumps and a small store connected. There wasn't really anything else around.

James set the handbrake and cut the engine before the two got out of the car. Ash spoke up.

"I'm gonna go inside to get some things. Want anything?"

James shook his head. "No thanks."

Ash raised an eyebrow. "Alright, but you better not steal any of my food."

James frowned. "Now why would I do that?"

"Cause I know you" she teased before retreating into the store.

He laughed as his best friend went in. James moved over to the rear of the car and opened the fuel cap before paying for the fuel he wanted to put the car in. After that he took the fuel nozzle and began refueling the Mustang.

Another few hours had passed and they were nearing the coast. They were close enough that they could smell the Pacific Ocean with the windows down, which they had done. The views were amazing. James and Ash had actually done this drive before, but they could never get enough. The car they brought made it all the more worthwhile.

A few minutes later James pulled the car into an empty dirt lot just off the road and cut the engine. He opened the driver door and slid out before Ash followed. Closing the door, he moved around to the front of the car before leaning against the front of the car.

Ash took her place next to him as he gazed into the distance, silent. "Thinking about the mission?"

James kept his gaze on the horizon. "Yeah" he said simply to Ash, who was referring to The Alpha Three mission, which was scheduled to launch a few months from now.


James nodded before looking at Ash. "Terrified, actually" he trailed off before speaking again. "But it'll be damn exiting."

After a few more minutes of silence James spoke again. "You?"

"Also terrified" she said honestly. "It'll be an interesting journey to say the least. One small step for mankind. If we step foot on Mars" she smiled before nudging James.

He chuckled. "I don't know about me. Definitely the Colonel, and maybe you. I'm just going to be a repair guy" he said.

Ash laughed. "Don't sell yourself short, James. Besides, even if you don't go to the surface, we'll still be together for this one."

"Yeah" he grinned.

Ash snorted. "So damn cheesy. What are you in love with me?"

"Yeah" James returned sarcastically. Deep down though, he wasn't lying. He really did love her. He just didn't have the courage to tell her. Too many unknowns. Regardless of how she felt, he'd always be there for her.

They sat there for a few more hours before Ash fell asleep on his shoulder. He carefully nudged her awake after some time before they took the fast way back home.


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